Kelly Ryan/Craig Titus?


Has anyone heard what is going on in this case? I looked up to
Kelly Ryan of course up until she was found to be involved in
the gruesome murder of her friend. Very sad what that poor woman
went through. Kelly Ryan was actually getting a pedicure/manicure
in the same salon I was in a few hours before the police raided the
shop and arrested her. Does anyone know when a trial is or has '
come up?

Jennifer Claire 12/24/05
Taylor Elizabeth 8/22/07
I beleive that the next time they will be back in court is mid-April. Other than that I don't know. There have been a number of motions made, etc. So I don't know if that is just a court date or the trial is to start.

Was that not the weirdest/saddest ordeal? Kelly Ryan was the darling of the fitness world and even had a column in one of the fitness mags. I saw a bit on the news where they showed her in court, and boy, I did not even recognize her. How tragic this story is.
In fact even stranger, the Gold's gym where I am a member here in Vegas, has a huge banner up that says "Home of Craig Titus", seems like they wouldn't want to brag about it at this point, but hey, what do I know.
I first read about this in the star magazine(my mom's) almost 6 months before oxygen said anything about it. I guess that not everything in those papers is a lie.
I would definately like to keep updated on this story. I haven't heard any of it in the muscle mags for women.

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