Just want to say thanks...


Hi everyone,

I haven't been here much lately and, on the advice of my wise and beautiful friend Debbie H, want to let everyone know why. My health has not been good the past several months and I have been struggling just to keep going, but the good news is, because of my dedication to exercise, I have been able to not only keep myself from being bedridden but also to keep exercising. I want everyone to know that even though it's tough to keep up with consistent exercise and it seems like those last few pounds NEVER seem to go away, if you ever find yourself in a battle for your health, you will look back and know that every minute was worth it. It can make a big difference when your body is trying to fail you.

I have gotten so much motivation from everyone here on these boards and I hope you can all celebrate your accomplishments in your lives everyday instead of feeling somehow less because of a few extra pounds or not being able to exercise as much as others do. We all do the best we can and having a slip here and there does not add up to much in the long run. Each day is an opportunity to start over--don't let that opportunity pass you by.

A special thanks to Trevor and Debbie H for being very supportive of me and being true friends. I'm going to be fine, nothing for anyone to worry about, I just want everyone to know how important it is to keep exercising consistently no matter what. And do what YOU can, don't judge yourself by anyone elses accomplishments or compare your body to others. It's a waste of precious time.

Be good to yourselves
Laura :)
Oh Laura!

It is so good to see you posting!! I have tears in my eyes! I honestly thought on our way home yesterday that it has been waaaay too long since I dropped you a note just to see how you are doing. I'm so proud of you and the dedication you put into your workouts when you are not feeling well. There are so many people out there with no problems at all and make excuses for why they can't or don't exercise. I commend you. I know we can't even come close to understanding what you go through just to get up the energy to get started. You are a great role model to me and I am in awe of your attitude. THANK YOU so much for sharing something so special with all of us.
[marquee]YOU GO GIRL! We're celebrating LIFE with you! :-jumpy [/marquee]

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Oh Laura!

Dear Laura,

It's stories like yours that help keep my thoughts about fitness in perspective. Thank you Laura for your openess. My prayers are with you. Cathe's place is I BELIEVE has angels gaurding it. My prayer is that we continue to help encourage and inspire oneanother. I am dedicating my next IMAX workout to YOU--believe me, I need inspiration to get through that bad boy.
:-sleepy:-sleepy:-sleepy My prayers are with you,

Debbie Dailey
Hi Laura,

Just know that your words are very inspiring to us too! It's a good feeling to know that there are other fitness enthusiasts out there whose main goal is not to look perfect but to appreciate what an amazing machine the human body is and what an extraordinary gift health can be...and both should be treasured as such!! :) !!

My thoughts are with you,
Laura -

It's so good to hear from you - I have missed reading your check ins - love those Cathe/Christi combos.

Thank you for your wise words - it's amazing how easy it is to take good health for granted - and how easy it is to focus more on what we haven't/can't/didn't do than what we have done and can do. You have given us am important and timely reminder.

Take care of yourself and please keep us posted on how you're feeling. As you know, the good vibes from these people have tremendous healing power.

It is so good to see a post from you girl! Having chatted many times with you over the last year I know what you go through on a daily basis and for you to be able to workout like you do is simply amazing to me. And you have such a great positive attitude too!! You are a true inspiration for us all and a real success story. I am honored to have you as a fitness friend!
Trevor :)
Hi Janet!

I took a peek at your Bio and agree that a West Coast Road trip would be one heck of a good time! Then we could meet some of the wonderful people behind these posts. We are a part of something special here at Cathe.com aren't we? I live in central California ( Fresno county). By the way, Christi Taylor was raised here in Fresno. I have had correspondence with her about it. What a wonderful gal she is!! Just thought I'd drop you a note and say hello.

Debbie Dailey
Hi Laura! Thank you for sharing your encouraging and inspiring words with us. Your healthy and positive attitude is so uplifting and emotionally impacting. How wonderful to hear that your dedication to exercise has so greatly improved your health. And thank you for the reminder to never take our health for granted. I'm praying for you and wishing you a full recovery. Cyber hugs to you.

Wow...you know, I call Cathe "La Gran C", and although it would be easy to hold her up on a pedestal, she won't let us. She is as sincere and authentic as can be. That's just part of the reason we all continue share the joy she conveys through her business. It's the real thing!

Well said!!

I hope you get better quickly. Your words gave me goosebumps. I think that anyone would be wise to take your attitude to heart and keep with it. Thank you for blessing us with your wisdom.
WOW, I am speechless...

for the first time in my life :)

A personal note from Cathe, how COOL is that!
Thanks Cathe! If it weren't for you and Christi Taylor videos, I would still be piecing together bits of other tapes just to get a decent workout. Cathe, you have made exercising so fun and challenging for me. It's not that difficult for me to keep at it because I love it so much. You are the reason I began strength training because I came to this site and saw the PS series. I didn't even think I could do strength training, let alone be able to keep up with you. But, to my surprise, I could do it, and although I can not do as much weight or reps as you, I'm still able to do quite a bit. Thank you for helping me through a difficult time.

Thank you all for the encouraging words and support. Each one of you is very much appreciated. I think I will need LOTS of help with my next challenge, giving up chocolate :'(. I'm working on nutrition right now and that is the one thing I am going to have a very tough time with. I'm sure many of you can relate to that.
I would do IMAX 10 times in a row if someone told me that I could then have chocolate with no consequences. :)


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