<---just hook up the caffeine IV please!


<--is up but doesn't wanna be.:-(
<--went to bed too late last night and got a horrible night's sleep too boot.x(
<--hopes everyone has a pleasant weekend.
<--will be back later after java kicks in and <--is more awake.
<--waves morning to Wendy and all who vvv
<--sorry Wendy didn't sleep well
<--knows all to well about that
<--is getting geared up for IMAX2
<--is supposed to do CF but <--doesn't really like CF
<--thinks it's too hard LOL!!
<--had such beautiful weather here in KY yesterday
<--now has spring fever
<--is grumbling over the time change tonight
<-likes the longer daylight in the evening, but doesn't like the dark mornings x(


<--waves back to Catherine.
<--has a neice named Catherine.:)
<--doesn't like CF either cause <--doesn't know the choreo well enough!
<--thinks IMAX 2 sounds like a great idea.
<--would rather have longer daylight in evening then light earlier in the morning.
<--is up early but doesn't leave house before 7:30 so it's light anyway when <--gets out the door.
<--is letting the caffeine coarse through <--'s veins.
<--hopes it works!
<--- waves to weekend arrow thread participants

<--- inquires about Tammy's Mom ? more prayers !

<--- inquires abut Michele's mouth? prayers too!

<--- Shelly's dance night? followed by 8 miles???

<--- Robin's garden adventure?

<--- Nancy's evening w/ the remote

<--- waves to Emily and thanks her for the DD comment!

<--- Ame's back-to-life-after-NY-visit?

<--- Melody's Library field trip? hopes there were no incidents..

<--- waves to Wendy! Will think of her when seeing the NJ relatives in a few hours.

<--- TTFN

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
<---is so used to getting up early <---can't sleep in anymore
<---is sorry Wendy did not sleep well last night
<---actually likes CF:)
<---hopes Judy enjoys Ithica
<---wonders if Judy has been to the Moosewood restaraunt?
<---is off to get some tea!
<--- waves hi to ^^ and vv
<--- hopes Judy has a great time today
<--- wonders if Tig has decided what to do tonight?
<--- tells MSY she can't sleep in anymore either
<--- hopes Catherine's doggies are behaving;)
<--- got stood up last night - waited for friend until 11 and then figured he wasn't gonna show, so went to bed
<--- says this has sent <--- spiralling into a depression the likes of which has not been seen since the 30s and has made <--- realize how utterly pathetic and sad her life is
<--- will be in the HH until further notice
<---waves Mornin' Glories
<---slept in
<---reports that Mom is still on respirator and dialysis but is stable
<---hopes Tig has fun today
<---sends (((HUGS))) to Shelley
<---hopes Michele is okay
<---sends happy reunion vibes to Judy and hopes she has a great day with her fam damily
<---tells Catherine to enjoy IM#2
<---loves IM#2
<---wonders if MSY has to work weekends
<---needs more java
<---is so glad to hear from Tammy!
<---is also glad Tammy got to sleep in
<---continues to pray from Tammy and Mom
<---wonders if Tammy's Mom is communicating?
<---has to work every third or fourth weekend
<---says those weekends <---is on call Fri/Sat/Sun and sees all the group's patients
<---says but not this weekend!:p
<---will be back later

<---edits to say what kind of friend stands Shelley up?!
<---is outraged
<---does not blame Shelley for being disappointed, but
<---says it was clearly the friend's loss!

<--re-edits to say <---does not think Shelley's life sounds pathetic at all
<---has not gone out to dinner/seen a movie/gone dancing since <---can remember
<--waves goodmorning to all
<--is also always up early
<--is dreading the time change tonight
<--has to work tomorrow
<--hope shelley cheers up!!
<--would be mad if got stood up by friend
<--is curious is shelley called said friend since?
<--hope wendy got some more sleep
<--tells cathrine to enjoy IMAX2
<--hope tammy's mom gets better soon
<--waves goodmorning to MSY and hopes she has a good day off

<--is hangin' out.
<--'s DH is leaving in about an hour.:-(
<--must admit it's a bit of :) too.
<--thinks DH's are like children so to get a break from them once in a while is a good thing!;)
<--will work out once DH leaves and DS is down for his nap.
<--is drinking java in the meantime.:9
<--hopes everyone is having a happy saturday!:+
<--waves happy Saturday morniing
<--always sleeps in
<--is thinking that if <-- exercised even half as much as TiG and Shell and MSY <-- wouldn't be able to sleep in either
<--has heard that exercisers need less sleep
<--agrees with TiG about preferring longer days over light mornings
<--doesn't need light mornings, as <-- doesn't get up early enough :p
<--wishes Catherine luck with IMAX2
<--hopes Judy enjoys seeing her DD today!
<--is sure Judy's DD will tell her about the FRIGID COLD x(
<--tells Judy to tell her DD that such low temps are not typical
<--would LOVE to go to the Moosewood restaurant again!
<--is glad to hear Tammy's mom is stable
<--sends more hugs to Tammy
<--wonders if Shell's friend is okay? maybe something happened to him
<--would also be depressed if she got stood up
<--says DT finally made it and his hotel room in Krakow is lovely
<--will be seeing pics shortly
ETA:<--is glad elainee showed up yesterday
<--tells her that it's a mixed blessing to have DT in constant communication ;) (for reasons TiG mentioned)
<--is getting tired of waiting for Fresh Direct x(
<--has been waiting for an hour and a half
<--wants to take a shower already!
<--- waves to all ^^^ and vvv
<--- was up early to spend time with DH who just left for a speaking engagement and won't be home until tomorrow
<--- prepared a nice brunch for him with eggs over medium, toasted 5 seed whole grain bread, cherry tomatoes sauteed with garlic and herbs, and thick slices of peppered bacon, and strong black coffee
<--- knows it could've been leaner but he loved it
<--- wonders how long Nance's DT will be in Poland
<--- tells Nance Fresh Direct will come the moment she jumps in the shower;)
<--- is very sorry about Shelley's disappointing evening and agrees with everything MSY had to say about it
<--- has thoroughly cleaned and restocked the HH for Shellers and anyone else in need
<--- tells MSY to hire a sitter for a couple of hours, grab your DH, and go out for dinner -- nurse's orders!
<--- is glad Tammy's mom is stable and continues to pray for the long haul
<--- has planned her entire day around food :eek: }( :9
<--- promises the remainder of her food choices will be healthy
<--- will rent a movie if she can't find anything good on cable
<--- also plans to finish a book she started last weekend
<--- might workout, too, but maybe not
<--- really doesn't feel like cleaning house or working out, both of which should be done
<--- is going to dream about her upcoming trip to Italy
<--is glad to see Michele and thinks she has a lovely day planned
<--loves the sound of the breakfast (but hold the bacon please!)
<--says DT just had dinner at the hotel restaurant and read me the menu
<--informs you that the food in Poland is HEAVY
<--says and apparently all the veggies are "stewed" x(
<--says if DT gains any weight over there, <-- is going to kill him :p
<--finally took a shower
<--is now attacking this mess of an apartment, one little thing at a time
<--hardly knows where to begin :(
<---wants to go to Michele's for breakfast (<---will have Nancy's bacon:p )
<---did a BM2 cardio pre-mix during twin nap #1 (fun:))
<---is off to do GS BS&B now (twin nap #2)
<--is impressed with MSY!
<--says it's painful going thru the piles of mail and papers everywhere
<--finds it hard to make decisions
<--keeps receiving interesting-looking newsletters and coupons and can never decide whether to keep them or where to put them
<--needs a flylady intervention
<--asks Judy for advice
<--asks if you should throw out the vacation brochures that are about 2 years old now or not?
<--says you can always order updated brochures, right?
<--:( :(
<--- is lol at Nance's FlyLady dilemma
<--- tells Nance to just throw everything away
<--- needs to follow her own advice
<--- has stacks of papers everywhere and never knows what to do with them
<--- could also use help from Judy and Shelley
<--- ^5's MSY for doing TWO workouts
<--- loves GS BSB!
<--- has absolutely no excuse for skipping her workout other than she just plain doesn't feel like doing it
<--- reports that her mouth is feeling much better today
<--- thinks steroids are miracle drugs, just wishes she didn't have to squirt it into dental trays and bite into it -- BLECH!
<--- is going out for a bit to drink in the sunshine
<--- might BBL
<--is throwing away the French Country Waterways luxury canal cruises books at Michele's suggestion
<--will probably never actually get around to doing it anyway :(
<--is glad Michele's mouth is feeling better

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