<--- waves to all ^^^ and vvv
<--- was up early to spend time with DH who just left for a speaking engagement and won't be home until tomorrow
<--- prepared a nice brunch for him with eggs over medium, toasted 5 seed whole grain bread, cherry tomatoes sauteed with garlic and herbs, and thick slices of peppered bacon, and strong black coffee
<--- knows it could've been leaner but he loved it
<--- wonders how long Nance's DT will be in Poland
<--- tells Nance Fresh Direct will come the moment she jumps in the shower
<--- is very sorry about Shelley's disappointing evening and agrees with everything MSY had to say about it
<--- has thoroughly cleaned and restocked the HH for Shellers and anyone else in need
<--- tells MSY to hire a sitter for a couple of hours, grab your DH, and go out for dinner -- nurse's orders!
<--- is glad Tammy's mom is stable and continues to pray for the long haul
<--- has planned her entire day around food
}( :9
<--- promises the remainder of her food choices will be healthy
<--- will rent a movie if she can't find anything good on cable
<--- also plans to finish a book she started last weekend
<--- might workout, too, but maybe not
<--- really doesn't feel like cleaning house or working out, both of which should be done
<--- is going to dream about her upcoming trip to Italy