Just curious...does anyone out there take music lessons...


Active Member
Hi everyone!
My niece (she's 8) has started taking guitar lessons, so I've been trying to convince DS (he's 6) to take them. He's showing no interest, and the other day I told him that I had always wanted to learn to play and I wish I had learned as a kid.
Which got me thinking...music lessons would be a great b'day present to myself next month (I'll be 34) ;-)
I always thought music lessons were for kids. Any other grown-ups out there learning??
I put my daughter in guitar lessons at age 12 and thought it looked really fun, so I eventually signed up too. I was 35 and I took lessons for 5 years. I tried to get my son to learn, he showed no interest, but my husband did and I taught him how to play. I love playing the guitar and it was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. Go for it! You are never to old for the fun stuff!:)

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Nope, but I have taught lessons (flute) before! I started piano at age 5 and then flute at age 11. I was actually a music performance major for a year in college. I still play my flute often and love anything music related!! I keep hoping my dd's will take an interest in lessons but so far no luck! Enjoy!
I'm like Jess - took Guitar lessons in my 30's when my daughter started taking lessons. It was definitely worth it. Of course, I was a music major in college - play the saxophone, clarinet and assorted other wind instruments, but the guitar is 100% different.

If it's something you've always wanted to do - do it! A lot of adults take music lessons. Ya never know - you might be a natural and play like an angel - you'll never know until you try.

I told my daughter that I did not care what instrument she played but she did not have a choice - she HAD to play something. She picked guitar. She's now taking voice lessons (has a very nice voice), and has been in the musicals in high school. She wants to be a zoologist - science and music go hand in hand a lot of times.
I teach piano, and I have and have had adult students. They all really enjoy it! If you have the desire, go for it. I think you'll be glad you did.

Melissa, I've taken clarinet and piano lessons. If fact I graduated from college with a degree in music performance. I loved taking lessons but only from instructors I liked. I hated it when I didn't click with my instructors. In fact, I think that's the most important thing when deciding whether or not to take music lessons - make sure you feel comfortable around the instructor!

Also, I'm going to be 34 next month too! When is your b day?

Carolyn :)
I WISH I could have taken music lessons as a kid - instead I attempted to teach myself keyboard. I could read notes, but that's it because I didn't see the need to learn chords. Now at a rather advanced age, I'm learning chords and can see how handicapped I was musicially because before I was limited to the notes written on sheet music.

My grand daugter is taking piano lessons from an "old school" elderly piano teacher who presented her student recital a couple of months ago. It was awful because none of the kids were allowed to use music - they were expected to play from memory, and there were several disasters when the kids just butchered their songs. I felt horrible for these kids, and for the life of me I don't see the wisdom behind letting these kids humiliate themselves. The teacher said of one of the students who messed up badly, "She played that same song perfectly at my house this week!"

I'm keepin' my lip zipped because I'm not paying for the lessons, and her parents did not ask for my opinion.

No, Melissa--TAKE LESSONS!

The primary advantage young people (children) have is abundance of time to practice.

The primary advantage a grown-up has is maturity. Nobody will need to kick you in the butt to practice, if you're motivated.

When my kids are a bit older (out of diapers, etc.) I fully plan to start learning to play the guitar.


"She's living in sin with a cowboy, and hell--he can hardly even walk!" --J.R. Ewing, "Dallas"
RE: Just curious...does anyone out there take music les...

I started piano lessons at 4 because my grandmother was a music teacher. Actually I learned to read music before I learned to read books! Although I hated getting up on Saturday mornings to go to my lessons I am forever grateful to my parents for making me do it. Once I became a teenager and my parents gave me an option to stop lessons, it was only a matter of months before I was asking my parents to let me go again. Music is a hobby that you can enjoy all throughout your life. You are never too old to learn.

This post brought back a funny memory. My mom learned to read music and play the bassoon (of all things!) as an adult. My father wanted her to learn it so she could fill out the family woodwind quartet. We were so dorky, we actually played a few pieces on the local cable station. Mom doesn't play the bassoon any more but she did learn enough to participate in the quartet.
RE: Just curious...does anyone out there take music les...

Thanks for the posts! I'm going to sign up tomorrow. I've already found out that one of my teachers from middle school takes lessons too!

Carolyn - Aug 1 is the big day for me. Happy Birthday to you too!

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