June 18 2014

Cathe Friedrich

Attention Cathe Live Subscribers:

This Thursday, June 18th, at 9:15am EST, we will be doing "Totally Toned Legs" Live using the step along with other fitness "toys".

Get ready to get your legs "bikini ready" with this totally intense leg focused workout. You'll start with a series of standing leg exercises (both on and off the step) mixed with some paper plate burners followed by floorwork finishers that are named that for a reason, wink!

Side Note: The step
is used strictly as a sculpting bench...no choreography. We will be up on three risers per side but feel free to modify the step height to suit your level of comfort.

Equipment needed for this workout:

A full-sized step with three risers under each side

Handweights: A set of 10's 12 and 15's

One paper plate ( or disc)

A fitness mat

See you in the morning!!!
For those who were hoping for PHAT live this week, I had a work project that had to get completed by this past Monday night & it didn't leave me enough time to put together class for tomorrow. I'm so sorry to disappoint you but next week will be here before you know it :)

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