Joining a Gym


I've been in a motivational rut for months now and REALLY need to start working out. My clothes don't fit well, and I don't feel as confident or healthy. So, I think I might join a gym, but the only one close to me that has spinning (my favorite other than step) is 15-20 mins away. It's $50/ month (student fee). Does this sound okay? Or do you think it's too far? I don't have a job - just college classes, so my nights are free. Thanks for any help!
It is really up to you...

I've heard it said that if it takes you longer than 10 minutes to get to the gym you won't go. With that said, I joined a gym and know people who travel at least 20 minutes to get there and go pretty religiously.

$50 a month for a student fee sounds a tad bit high but reasonable. Many gyms cost that much and more. My gym is $88 for two people but really offers a lot (swimming, basketball, spinning, racquetball, etc.) Make sure you won't have to pay any additional fee for the spinning class. And, if it is only $50 a month and no initiation fee that sounds really good to me (I had an initiation fee).

I would be concerned that as a student you might find that you don't have the extra 20 minutes each way plus time for the classes but that depends on your study habits and the courses you are taking.

I joined my gym for the spinning classes and am totally addicted to spinning. I change all of my plans to make it to the spinning class I enjoy. I am probably addicted to the endorphins I get from that class - and the results I see in my body.

I hope this helps. It is important to have a good healthy self esteem and this will help and you will stick with it with your college schedule I say go for it.
my opinion

If you can afford the time, and you can afford the money, I say go for it. Now is a time of great personal freedom in your life. When you add a spouse, kids, a job, etc., your freedom lessens considerably. Then you might HAVE to depend on home videos to get in shape. So exercise your options (ha!) while you have them! Like Heather said, you'll need to analyze whether or not your course load will allow the time. I know that going to school can be a totally crazy time. OH, and check out what their hours are. . . if you're a night owl you'll want them open late, and you'll want a good schedule of evening classes. If you're an early bird, you'll want them open early with lots of morning classes. Good luck!! -susan p
Why not the "Y?"

Does your town have a YMCA? I shopped for clubs a while back, and the best deal was the YMCA. They also have good hours. I pay about $26.00 a month.

Do you know what your college has available? That may be worth checking out. We don't know the size of your town, or your school, so we can only guess.

Scheduled workout classes are a good way to get you into a workout grove.
workouts and school

Although I have a real job now, I was a professional student for many years and exercise was crucial in helping me keep what little sanity I had. It also helped counter some of the snacking I tended to do while studying and of course, my pizza diet! I did a combination of working out to videos at home, running, and working out at the university gym. If you really enjoy spinning, then it might be worth it to join the gym because you'll be willing spend the time traveling. But I would also encourage you to find more convenient activities - I started running for the first time in grad school because it was convenient and now I really enjoy it. You should check out your schools gym, if they have one - it's probably paid for in your activities fee and some of them are quite nice.

But the key point I think is that you should definitely include exercise at some level, just be realistic about how much time you have. As one person suggested, scheduling it like a class does help. And I think working out is a great way to release the mental (and sometimes emotional) tensions of school which helps you focus more. The one thing I really miss about school was the flexibility of time to workout - that and wearing jeans and sweats all the time.

Good luck!

It All Depends

I've heard that most people stick to their workouts and membership if they live within 5-8 miles of their gym. Mine used to be about 6 blocks away and I went religiously. Then I loved 20 miles away (although I still worked within 6 miles of the gym) and my attendance very slowly dwindled.. They even have a branch of my gym within 5 miles of my home now, and I don't go. So distance isn't the only fact to consider. If you're really motivated and like the club, you'll probably keep going.
I agree with Susan. Go for it while you're free. One of the big factors in my quitting my club is that I now live with my SO,and I guess I like going home from work to see him rather than going to the gym (although the fact that I work out at home 6 days a week also lessened by gym motivation quite a bit). Group classes are very motivating and a lot of fun. See if the gym will let you give it a trial run - most give 30 days, I think.

As someone else suggested, you might want to check out what the university has to offer. Where I work, students can use the rec center and take classes without paying extra (it comes with their student fees), except for maybe a few special classes, that are really cheap. Faculty who want to use the facilities pay $50 a semester.

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