job offer -feeling bad


I don't post much but am feeling rather bad/guilty that I handled this job offer in an unprofessional manner. I am a SAHM looking to re-enter the work force and had a job interview that paid fairly well but thought the job sounded rather boring. I didn't think I would get the job, however was caught off guard this morning when she called and said that she had to get approval from the Deputy Director but she thought they might be leaning toward hiring me and that wanted to confirm if I was still interested. I said I was, knowing that I still had another interview working with the school district that afternoon for a position that did not pay as much. I loved the school position and was impressed by how family friendly they were (a big plus since I have children). I did very well at the interview, loved the people but won't know if I got the job til next week. When I got home, the other place called and offered me that job making more money and I turned it down. Now I feel guilty for not accepting the job which pays more money and thinking maybe I should have been up front with the lady in the morning but I was caught so off guard. I just didn't feel it was the right match for me but I feel so guilty about turning down the higher paying job and for possibly leading this lady on which I did not intentionally do. So sorry for being so long but I am feeling kind of bad about it because I don't like coming off as unprofessional and I may have done that today.
Sarah, don't feel bad about that. You could have told her you had to think about it and let it drag on. Instead you told her no which is way more professional. The time frame was only morning to afternoon, not weeks. I don't think it's a big deal at all.

Sorry, read that wrong...
Don't feel bad, you can always call her and explain, even if you still don't want the job... or maybe its still open if your still interested.... Rhonda
People change their minds all of the time when it come to taking jobs, interviewing, etc. You didn't say that if offered the job, you would definitely accept. You said that you were still interested. And in some way, you WERE still interested. Don't feel bad. She probably hasn't given it a second thought!
If the job didn't feel right for you it probably wasn't. You wouldn't have been doing her any favors by taking it just for the pay, and it doesn't sound as if you intentionally led her on, just that you probably weren't sure the best way to handle things. (Remember dating the wrong boy for the wrong reasons for too long when you were younger :) )

You could always drop her a thank you note letting her know how much you appreciated her time & consideration.


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