Jari Love Ripped to the core


Active Member
Does anyone have this dvd? If so if I wanted to try this dvd, should I do it 3xa week by itself or add some of cathe weight workouts with it? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
I have it, I did it last week :) It's all compound moves (similar to the compound moves in Cardio & Weights), so while it's good aerobic weight training, I would add more actual weight work to get the most out your muscles. It's good endurance lifting, though, and I like it for variety. HTH!

I am doing Jari 3x per week. I do each vid once a week: R to the C, S&L and Ripped. I am liking it so far....getting more definition. :) I am not currently doing any other weight work.

Just a thought.

I did a rotation of "Get Ripped to the Core" and "Ripped: Slim and Lean" for two and a half weeks (does that count as a rotation? LOL!) and I plan to do a longer one soon.

I really like GRTTC, better than S&L (though I like that one, too). When I do it again, I will be using it on its own, or alternating with S&L and/or Tony Horton's "Sculpt 5-6" from P90 Masters.

I would suggest doing it by itself, 3x a week, for at least a short time (5 workouts), to see what it does for you. You might like the results (and if not, you can always change it up before losing much ground).
>thanks, how much more weight do you suggest?

The weights that the participants use are listed on the screen (though sometimes after they have already started the exercise: good reason to preview before doing, so you can note the weights for your own workout). The first time you do the workout, I suggest you start out with the lightest weight used (just to get a feel for it: it's easy to pick a 'too heavy' weight for endurance work and compound moves, so the weight listings are a good place to start), then take notes and move up (or down!) in weight for your next workout.

How long are each of these dvd's? And can you pick and choose different chapters to do, like the Cathe videos?


- Jackie
It's very well chaptered and easy to select which exercises you want to do. This workout and S&L are my new favs.
Hi Girls, I think I will do that 3x a week and just use S& L and RTTC which I did like. I think I'll see what my progress is in a couple weeks. Thanks for your input. TLC
I just got S&L and RTTC on Wednesday. I e-mailed Jari to see what type of rotation she would recommend and she told me, based on my goals to lose about 5 lbs and lean out, to do S&L 2 times and RTTC 1 time per week for the first two weeks, and after week 2 to switch it to RTTC 2 times a S&L one time. She didn't say for how long I should do this, I guess until I reach my goals. Depending on how it goes, I may switch them out on some days w/ ME or PH if I get bored with them.

She didn't give me a cardio recommendation, but I plan to do other cardio 5-6 times per week.

I have seen people on the yaya boards say that Jari has given them rotation suggestions based on their goals, and she even called one of them. She gets back with everyone very fast. Her e-mail is [email protected].

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