Jari Love hurt me!


:7 }( ;-)

I did her Ripped to the Core for the first time & once I got past the porn star look & name I really loved it! I couldn't even do the weights her "strong" crew member used, which really surprised me.

And basically what I realized after doing this & having to drop the weights I was using was there really is a huge difference between muscle strength & muscle endurance. I've never done muscle endurance training before b/c I figured why bother, isn't doing 3 sets 10 heavy weights the same as doing one set 30 light weights?

Well the answer is no, & it really surprised me.

So I've been doing this body pump/circuit training type stuff since Drill Max came out (& I must say Jari's RTTC was tougher on my muscles than DM). It should be interesting to see how or if my body changes by doing 3 days heavy weight training combined with one day circuit training each week. Does anyone else do this? If yes, how's it working for ya?
I've only done RTTC a few times but I also think it's tougher than DM. Especially the step ups with military press. I like heavy lifting like Slow & Heavy and Gym Styles. I absolutely hate Power Hour and MIS. I just got Slim & Lean and 1000 Ripped so I plan on starting to use them in a rotation probably next month. I'll let you know how it works out. How many times a week are you doing Jari's workouts?


I think it's really key to mix things up so I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

And now, since I must say it - I TOLD YOU SO! I told you that those body bars will be absolutely usable for you. :) Seriously, with a fast pace and many reps, it's difficult to use really heavy weights.

What other workouts have you purchased lately??

I'm just doing circuit once a week, usually on Saturday. I'm now trying to build my DVD circuit library. It all started w/DM, I loved it so much I decided to make it a part of my routine.

So I bought a couple circuit DVDs last week & will be trying them once a week for the next month or so. This week is Cathe's high step challenge. How does it compare to DM & RTTC?
I just recently (within the last 2 or 3 months) started using Jari's workouts and find them to be very effective. I have used heavier weights/slower reps for years--mostly with the Firm and then more recently with Cathe, but am really liking the results I'm seeing by adding these lighter weights/more reps workouts of Jari's. I am very surprised at how quickly I'm seeing results, too. I agree with someone else who posted on this thread that it's good to change up your workout and do both types.

(I must agree with you on the porn star look, though. I wish she would wash that makeup off her face and pin her hair back or something.)

I just bought S&L and RTTC. I'm getting ready to do S&L today for the first time. It's funny that you mention her porn star appearance. I hesitated to buy her stuff because I was distracted by her looks. Frankly, I think she's too thin and could stand to put some weight on.

Now, back to the workouts--how often are you doing endurance and how heavy do you go--anyone?

Has anyone put together a Jari Love rotation they'd like to share?
What weight loads do most of you use? I did RTTC this morning for the first time and matched the weights of the female exerciser that lifted heavier than Jari. I was bored and never felt a real burn except for the shoulder work which I had to go lighter on since I'm still in rehab for surgery to my rotator cuff. I felt like I didn't even work out when I was done x( Am I doing something wrong? I felt the same way after S&L and haven't done it since. I just feel much more worked out after doing Cathe's MM, MIS, ME, PH, etc..

I'm with you, Laura!

I was surprised that I got DOMS from Jari when I rarely get it with Cathe and I lift at least as heavy as Cathe does in her workouts. I guess it really IS true that working muscles for endurance is a whole different deal. I felt like such a wimp during the shoulder step up segment in RTTC when I had to drop to 3 measly pounds! And I've got muscular shoulders!

I've been doing Jari twice a week (Slim & Lean one day, RTTC the other), one or two circuits and two cardio workouts so I'm not really mirroring what you are asking about. I will say I've noticed that I've slimmed down (without losing weight) since I've been doing the endurance muscle training.

Yes, the breathiness is kinda porno, and I more or less ignore some of the things she says (i.e. the constant instruction "ladies, you won't get bulky") but I don't really find it obtrusive or enough to make me stop doing the workouts. I did think that the original Ripped was too easy for me.

Answering much more than you asked for,

Yes Marie, you told me so......you were right! I swear other than my lifting routine everything I do varies from week to week. If nothing else it keeps things interesting. I wish I could tell you what other circuit workouts I got but I just can't remember LOL. I have Cathe's High Step Challenge & Circuit Max, & I think I have 2 more I haven't unwrapped yet.

I managed to keep up w/the exerciser who went heavier than Jari on everything except the two shoulder exercises (the military press & lateral raises). It's funny b/c I thought my shoulders were so strong--I do like 30 lb dumbells for military press & 25 lbs for lateral raises. I started at her weight but had to drop down maybe halfway thru the set. And when I did manage to keep up it was really hard! I mean, I was sweating & struggling.

No DOMS though. I felt kind of "tight" the next day, if that makes sense, but not sore.
If you like RTTC try Ripped 1000. I found that one even tougher than RTTC. The cardio is similiar to the one minute blasts Cathe does on Bootcamp, then you have all those combination moves in between. By the 9th cardio I was begging for mercy!
After trying the original Get Ripped this summer I almost didn't give the other Jari workouts a try. I found a 3 pack at TJ Maxx and picked it up then I found GR1000 at Ross and picked that up. I used these workouts minus the original for 4 weeks and was shocked at how challenging they were in a very different way from my usual mode of working out. I was also shocked at how challenging they felt b/c I had to go so much lighter with my weights then normal. It's nice to know they were challenging to you also since you are a gym member and I've read your posts about your tough workouts. I have really started to shake things up myself and feel like working out is once again, fun and interesting. I have let my strength (which is not strength like you get in the gym, but it's strength work for me) work slip since discovering all these different modes of exercise. Now, I'm trying to come up with a rotation that will allow me to use all my new workouts and fit in some Cathe strength as well.
I have all of Jari's viseos. I LOVE ripped 1000. I find it very challenging and the time goes by fast.
On a personal note i like Jari's no
nonsense approach and think her body is in fab shape.:)
As of now I am alternating Ripped 1000 2x a week with GS legs 1x. It's working good for me. I love so many good solid workouts. I've also added the Bar method this week.
Stay strong and healthy. Lynn
I read on Jari's website that the beautiful "mature" woman in ripped 1000, is 58! Goes to show you what weights will do. I really like her workouts and find them deceptively challanging. I think my favorites are RTTC and 1000. I am starting to get some nice cuts in my arms since starting to incorporate them in my rotations.

I read on Jari's website that the beautiful "mature" woman in ripped 1000, is 58! Goes to show you what weights will do. I really like her workouts and find them deceptively challanging. I think my favorites are RTTC and 1000. I am starting to get some nice cuts in my arms since starting to incorporate them in my rotations.

I just got done using Jari Love in a rotation. I did RTTC and S&L every Friday and Sunday (my body responds best to less weight, more cardio) for 2 months. I couldn't believe the work! Anyway, I am very pleased with the results I have received. I plan on using her every couple of months.
>>>>I read on Jari's website that the beautiful "mature" woman in ripped 1000, is 58!

No way!!!!! She looks amazing! There's hope for me yet.
>I just got done using Jari Love in a rotation. I did RTTC
>and S&L every Friday and Sunday (my body responds best to less
>weight, more cardio) for 2 months. I couldn't believe the
>work! Anyway, I am very pleased with the results I have
>received. I plan on using her every couple of months.

Amy, I'm confused (a chronic state of mind for me--lol). Did you use BOTH DVD's on Friday's and Sunday's, or did you use one on Friday and the other one on Sunday. Thank you:)

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