January Rotation 01/13/2005


I didn't see the post started yet, so I took the liberty.

Good morning! I am right on target with the rotation. I was dreading MIC this morning because it's so long, but I did GREAT! I haven't done this one in months, and I made it all the way thru with no problem! This one used to be hard for me...so I am seeing progress. YAY! I always kind of laugh at the girl in the middle row to the right. By the end of the hi/lo, she looks like she's going to pass out and then there's all that stepping...poor woman. (I'm not making fun, but it just gives me a giggle everytime).

Anyway, how did everyone make out this morning? Keep up the great work.

I didn't do MIC, instead I did 30 minutes HIIT on the bike. I have to be careful with my knee which bothers me when I step at times so I figured I would stick with the bike. Cannot wait to let the lower body rest tomorrow. I think it needs it. Looking forward to CTX upper body.

Hope everyone had a great workout.

I was wondering what was on the rotation today.My book said a run so now I know why,its suppose to be MIC.I am not sure if I am sad or not but a couple of monthes ago,my VCR decided to have a little lunch on my MIC tape and now its in the garbage.Its just sooooooo looooonnnnnnggggg!
My back is sore from yesterdays workout which is strange b/c I never get sore muscles from BC.
I will check back later,
Good morning,
Today is my last day of the second week of Jan. rotation (can't believe half is done!!).
So I did Step Fit, cardio gliding 20 min., abs 11 min., Power Yoga 10 min.
Hope you have an awesome day.:)
I'm taking a rest day today, yesterday I did Boot Camp. I think next time I can increase my weights and I need to work on those terminator thrusts.
Today was MIC for me, then ab hits. I really dread this one, but somehow it ends up flying by. This rotation is really a doozy!
Good Morning!

I've was wondering if I could still contribute here since I'm a week behind on the rotation. I didn't get my workouts until Tuesday. Anyway, last night I did Legs and Glutes (1st time) and it was hard but not as hard as I thought it would be. I need to get me some ankle weights. I don't know what they are called but I'm going to call them Jeanie lunges. One leg is bent on the step and your arms are crossed like "I dream of Jeanie" and the other leg comes up then lightly touches the floor. I hated those things. I think I need to lower my risers because I'm only 5ft and I was having to put too much stress on my knee in order to get my other foot to touch the ground. Tonight is Imax 2. I don't think I've done this one yet.

Do you guys see more results from when you follow a set Cathe rotation or when you do rotations on your own? Just wondering.

You guys are a great motivation to me to work harder and challenge myself. Thank You!!

Hi everyone! This morning I did ctx upper body--I am fried!! My arms are do tired I don't even want to lift them to wash my hair. It was a great workout and I can't wait until tomorrow, because surely my muscles will be bigger. LOL!
Good morning,

I don't have MIC so I did KPC - cardio premix and pulled out an old Firm 5 day ab tape and did one of the segments. Stepped on the scale and haven't budged an inch. Disappointed but will keep pressing on.

Hi good morning everybody. Today is cardio of choice in my rotation. I will do RS.Hi Gayle Happy to know your progress with MIC. It is a tought workout. Rhonda I am tired too. I uses my stationary bike to burn more calories too.Enjoy CTX. Lori you can try circuit max to substitute MIC. Bfj congratulation.you finish today the second week of the rotation.Great workout. Dorothy enjoy your rest day.Conni I dread MIC too but it is great to increase your cardio capacity.Hi Kimbra I am in my second cathe 's rotation in two months and I have lost weight and my legs and butt are slimer. Maria great workout.Shopgirl stay working and don't worry about the inch. I have done a mix dvd with the abs segments of the classic firm workouts. It is going to be awesome use the abs exercises of Cathe and the FIRM too. I think Cathe train harder the upper part and the obliques than the lower abs. I have done a mix dvd with the FIRM segments (legs and butt). One of this days I was going to use it but after the SS lower body blast (33 minutes) and the stability ball part of PLB I could not use it.Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi everyone,

I wasn't up for MIC this morning so I did Step Till You Drop 1 & 2 Laura Downing's portions only. It was still intense enough. Gotta love those 5 disc dvd players. Have a great day everyone!!

Hi everyone,
I didn't do BC or anything yesterday! I can't decide yet whether or not to pick up with that today or use it for what would have been my rest day on Sunday.

My workout week used to start on Sunday, so I feel like I've already had two rest days this week:eek:

Someone mentioned being hungrier with this rotation. I noticed that last week a bit, but not so much this week. I don't know if it's showing or not yet, this is my first rotation, but I've sure been feeling it! And it feels good.

After yesterday being a rest day for me MIC actually felt kinda doable. I was sweating buckets, and I don't think my heartrate has stayed this high ever in this workout before! I think I see some kind of increase inmy cardio capacity too. That always feels so good! I still haven't been eating very good, or maybe the right things, but just plain too much of them...;))) Arghhhh..... I feel heavy, and that isn't fun... and the weekend is coming, which doesn't increase the probability of eating very good... oh well...there's always next week...;O

Can't wait for ctx upper body, haven't done that one before. Hope you all have a good day,

OK it was MIC day for me too. However... I just had to be different... so...
I did CTX's All Step followed by 35" interval bike workout,then planks & abs from CTX. Great workout. I didn't want all the jumping and probably should have done the whole workout on the bike... but stepping is so much fun. I definately can not do a step workout in 2 days when one is schedule for last day of week 2. My joints need a rest. I'm thinking the bike will suffice. Especially if I wear the HR monitor and pay close attention to my herat rate during intervals.

TTFN all

PS shopgirl your doing Ok do't pay attention to that scale. Just keep up the good work, H2o and healthy choices girl! I'm sure you look great already! Even better when u smile:D

edit for typos
previously "Likes2bfit"

Ciao tutti!

MIC - not a workout I look forward to doing (and I see from your posts I am not in the minority). I really loathe hi/lo, so I did the warm-up from SJP, the step from MIC on an 8" step, and followed that with ab hits.

I pulled a muscle in my lower back last nite putting away laundry. How is it that a task you do every day can cause you such agony? It felt tight this morning, but after todays workout it is getting really tight and really sore.

I can do a Cathe workout with no problem, but putting away laundry I pull a muscle - go figure!

Enjoy your workouts ladies...

Til tomorrow,


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