James Clapp Book


Does anyone know where I can get a copy of James Clapp's "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" book? It appears to be out of print and I am striking out with the major bookstores. I would be willing to purchase a used copy if someone wants to sell it to me. I am going to check my local library to see if they have it. Thanks, appreciate it!!!
You might want to try doing a search on the internet for out-of-print books. There are a couple services (can't remember their names or websites at the moment, unfortunately) that will locate out-of-print (usually used) books.

Lucy K
I was gonna buy the book by Dr. Clapp also (as soon as I become pregnant). I went to amazon.com and couldn't find any info on this book. I never dreamed it would be difficult to find this book. Hopefully someone else can point us in the right direction.

I did, however, see the book "Expecting Fitness" by Birgitta Gallo on amazon.com for $15.96 I have also seen this book at Media Play (I don't know if you have those in your area or not).
I believe these books are quite similar, so if you don't find the other one, maybe try the one by Birgitta.

Good luck to you.
Did a search

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-00 AT 12:46PM (Est)[/font][p]Oops! Wrong book! I jumped too fast. Sorry about that. I'll keep looking.
RE: Did a search

Thanks, Erin and everyone else for your ideas on how to locate this book. I am determined to get my greedy hands on it.

I did purchase "Expecting Fitness" and I am really enjoying it and learning alot, too

Thanks for all your help!!!
RE: Did a search

Hi Erin,
Thanks so much for the information. I knew someone out there would know where to find it. I'm still kinda new on the internet, so amazon.com was the only place I knew to go. BUT now, I will know where to go to look for books when amazon.com doesn't have it. THANKS!
I haven't gotten it yet, but I was able to order it from Amazon.com. The only thing was that it was listed as not being able to ship for 4-5 weeks (which is fine, we're not even trying yet!). I can't remember the price, but all I did was search for the book title and it came right up.

That's interesting--when I tried to order it from Amazon, they sent me an email saying that they could not get it for me...maybe I will try them again. I do have a friend that is going to lend me her copy, so I will get to read it! Just wanted to get my own copy so that I can write in it and wear it out. I checked out bookvariety.com and went ahead and ordered from them, so hopefully they will have it. Hope you get it from Amazon!
I cannot believe that this book is out of print. I actually went to the publisher's site (Human Kinetics) tonight to see if I could pull it up and it wasn't there! I have no idea what could have happened with it. It was almost considered a textbook for my prenatal certification course. No other book on the market presents the latest research as this one does!

I will try to find out what is going on.

Sheila Watkins
Thanks, Shelia for looking into this. I, too, was very surprised that Human Kinetics is not carrying it! It must have just gone out of print recently as I have a friend whose baby just turned a year old in Nov and she had gotten the book in early 1999. Anything you can find out will be appreciated....I did order it from bookvariety.com, but who knows--I might hear from them that they can't get it either. Thanks again!
I ordered it last week (Wednesday night, I think) and haven't heard anything since. Hopefully it will come--if not, I'll check out some of the other sites listed. Good luck!
Sara's City Moms in Motion uses it for their text

I just took the Moms in Motion prenatal exercise certification course in October through Sara's City Workouts and they use Dr. Clapp's book as their main course textbook. If you can't find the book anywhere else, maybe you can contact Sara's City and they might be able to help you. http://www.saracity.com

I got my copy about 6 months ago from Barnes and Noble. They didn't have it on the shelf, but ordered it for me. I had it within a week. Hope this helps. It was cheaper to order it from the store than on-line because I got to avoid shipping charges because it was ordered from the store. Just a little tip. Good luck.
RE: Sara's City Moms in Motion uses it for their text

Thanks for the tip--I did email Sara City and got a reply today saying that the book is out of print and that James Clapp is writing a new one!
That is great!

I really love reading the newer pregnancy fitness books now, even though this is my last pregnancy, just to see how much the guidelines have changed :)

Is this like a "Recall"?

Makes me wonder if there isn't some contraindicated advice that got him slapped...

I'm trying to find it too - but i'm kind of on the fence now.
I doubt it's really a recall

Hi Leela!

When I took my certification course (I'm still waiting on my exam results and it's driving me NUTS :) ), we were told that James Clapp was still doing lots of research. I'm sure that the new book will be more of an update as opposed to a recall. :)

RE: I doubt it's really a recall

Okay! Thanks - and good luck on your exam!!!!!! Yay!

I found it at fitmaternity.com (I think..) and I ordered it. Here's hoping I actually get it :)

BTW - as you may have read in the post above this, I am pregnant again. I haven't announced it to VF because i'm kind of paranoid about losing another baby.. but I did want to hear of other experiences here regarding exercise and pregnancy after a miscarriage.

Take care!

My exam

I got the results of my Moms in Motion exam, and I passed it! I'm excited, and scared, at the same time. I've been asked to head up a prenatal water exercise program, which is very new to me. I can see lots of research and some water classes as a participant in my future! :)

I also want to put in a plug for Birgitta Gallo's "Expecting Fitness." A lot of what she writes in there is based on Dr. Clapp's research, and is a little more liberal than ACOG's guidelines, which understandably tend to err on the side of being very conservative. She talks a lot about specific exercise modifications for pregnancy, which is different from the focus of Dr. Clapp's book.

I wish you all the best, Leela!


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