It's Sad


Isn't it sad that most people consider fitness to be a "hobby"? Isn't it sad that the United States is considered the fattest nation in the world? I just don't understand why this super-sized nation would rather pig out on pizza and burgers, not work out, and complain when they finally get the diseases they do from not taking care of themselves.

I guess I'm one of those sad folks. I consider fitness to be a hobby because I enjoy it and set aside time several times a day to do it. I look forward to it. It fulfills me in a way.

I consider myself blessed because many people hate exercising - I enjoy it, and even crave it.

As far as why we're the fattest nation on earth - yes, there is a personal accountability factor at play, but the food industry is not all that great at offering people decent, healthful choices. For them, it's about how best to make a buck - and processed foods with cheap, harmful ingredients and a long shelf life are key to profitability. The food industry is also a powerful lobby for government - so if you wonder why schools don't offer better choices for kids, why harmful additives like HFCS are not regulated, why farmers are paid not to grow a bigger variety of crops, there's a big reason right there.
Maybe "hobby" isn't the correct word I should be using. It sounds as if you have made fitness a way of life where many people don't. There are sooooo many benefits to exercising, and there are so many things you can do to get exercise that don't even cost money.

I agree with you on the food industry not being that great at providing options to people for healthier choices. I just don't understand why other nations are able to have these options offered to them (not looking for answers - just venting).

Thank you for your thoughts.
Hi Heather,

I love Backyard Burgers! They make a great Garden Burger!

I am not a hamburger eater at all.

I am semi vegetarian for no particular reason other than I don't enjoy processed meats or ground beef, etc. I do eat seafood, so I don't consider myself completely vegetarian.

As for working out, it is a way of life. Working out is one of my passions and helps me cope with so many other aspects of my personal life. For me, working out is never an "IF" it is a "WHEN"

I love working out and have been athletic my entire life. I honestly enjoy working out -- I look forward to my workouts and the sense of accomplishment I derive from my efforts.

But I suppose I am guilty of listing athletic training as an interest or hobby though. I guess I list it so because most people don't get it. They think I am deranged to work out like I do.

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