>TCOYF was very helpful. I read all the pertinent information
>from the book and I had started trying to chart the month of
>December. I'm really glad I don't have to chart anymore
>months, but the book was very informative.
I'm going to continue charting because I want to make sure my temp stays above the coverline; a drop in temp will be important to note, especially if I develop other signs of miscarriage. With my miscarriage, the fetus stopped growing about 2 weeks before I actually miscarried, and then I went through a terrible 24 hours without knowing whether the spotting was a miscarriage, or nothing to worry about. Temperature tracking would have been a very easy way to spot the miscarriage early, and I wouldn't have had to go through all that.
>I am so excited to see so many other Catheites are pregnant.
>Sandra we will have to see how close together we give birth.
>It is always great sharing stories and experiences with
Yes! I am so thrilled that this forum exists; it's nice to know I'm not the only one who wants to continue to be active during pregnancy.
>This is my second pregnancy. DS is 2 1/2 years old. With him
>I was borderline for gestational diabetes so I had to do the
>special diet and finger-pricking glucose test 3 times a day.
>The doctor was worried that he would be too big to deliver
>vaginally so I was induced the day before my actual due date
>so my doctor could be there to deliver DS. My ObGyn office
>switches off for the doctor on call. With my first I was very
>lucky and never had any morning sickness. As of right now the
>same applies. However if I don't eat anything when I begin to
>get hungry then I start getting dizzy like I am going to pass
>out and the right side of my body goes completely numb like if
>I were having a migraine. Very strange. That is the only
>symptom I have when I get migraines, which luckily is not very
That is *very* strange! Did you get that numbness with DS#1? Does eating reverse it? Are you feeling the usual pregnancy fatigue?
>So whom are you telling and whom are you not? Last night DH
>and I told my MIL & FIL. They are so excited. MIL is at my
>home with DS right now baking brownies before she has to drive
>2 hours back home. Also, my SIL knows. That is about all I
>plan to tell until probably March, that is besides you ladies,
>unless I am showing before then. I would rather work not know
>for a while especially since I should be getting my raise
>sometime in February and I don't want to think that my raise
>will reflect upon this.
Mmmm, brownies! That sounds scrumptious! I'm starving right now. I'm telling anyone with whom I would also share the news of a miscarriage. That means my immediate family, and my closest friends. And all of you
I'll save telling my co-workers until a later date. Not sure yet when that will be. It's a contract job, so I'll be done it well before baby is born. That makes it of little relevance to them.
>Is it true that you show earlier with pregnancies following
>the first? I guess I will have to wait and see. With
>Alexander I did not begin to show until 22 weeks. Some how I
>don't think I will be that lucky.
"They" say you do start showing sooner. I suppose that can also be a very individual thing, depending on your body type. My lower abdomen is very bloated already, but I don't think that counts as "showing." I know the second time I seemed to lose my waist line pretty quick.
>Have you already scheduled your first dr. appointment? I'm
>scheduled to go in Feb 3 for my first appt. The secretary
>said that I will be 7 1/2 weeks then. I guess that is right.
Yes, my appointment is scheduled for, oh, the 16th of Feb, or something like that. The first time, I stayed with my GP for the whole pregnancy and delivery. This time I'm likely going to stick with the OB/GYN that I saw during the miscarriage. I still need to ask her about her various policies regarding prenatal monitoring and delivery. I'm tempted to explore the midwife option, but I would have to pay for that myself, and it's very expensive. At the very least, I will be hiring a doula.
>Well, I've gotta get back to work. Talk to you ladies later.
I'm so glad you finally got a positive test! That must have been a long week! Congratulations again!