It's Official!


Last night I took a pregnancy test again and it determined I am pregnant! That would mean that my due date should be Sept. 17, which is 2 days before my 30th birthday. Today during lunch I plan to call and schedule an appt with my ObGyn. She will probably want to see me at my 8th week, at least that is what she did the first time I was pregnant.
YEAH!! COngrats to you! I am due at the end of August, so we are pretty close. Good luck and I can't wait hear about your progress.

Congratulations Kristi! We are now officially pregnancy twins! Merry Christmas ;-)

You were using TCYOF, too? Very helpful book, isn't it? I downloaded the software, and despite inserting my positive pg test last Friday night, the software wouldn't "confirm" the pregnancy until 18dpo, which was yesterday. So, I guess it makes sense that your pregnancy might not show up on a pg test until the last day or so, especially if you were using a test that requires a high level of HCG in the urine.

Very exciting! How many times have you been pregnant? Did you carry to term? This is my third time being pregnant; one healthy baby and one miscarriage so far. Each pregnancy seems to be evincing lesser symptoms of morning sickness, which is a nice bonus. Are you feeling any illness? Fatigue?

Enjoy surprising your MIL with the great news!!
TCOYF was very helpful. I read all the pertinent information from the book and I had started trying to chart the month of December. I'm really glad I don't have to chart anymore months, but the book was very informative.

I am so excited to see so many other Catheites are pregnant. Sandra we will have to see how close together we give birth. It is always great sharing stories and experiences with others.

This is my second pregnancy. DS is 2 1/2 years old. With him I was borderline for gestational diabetes so I had to do the special diet and finger-pricking glucose test 3 times a day. The doctor was worried that he would be too big to deliver vaginally so I was induced the day before my actual due date so my doctor could be there to deliver DS. My ObGyn office switches off for the doctor on call. With my first I was very lucky and never had any morning sickness. As of right now the same applies. However if I don't eat anything when I begin to get hungry then I start getting dizzy like I am going to pass out and the right side of my body goes completely numb like if I were having a migraine. Very strange. That is the only symptom I have when I get migraines, which luckily is not very often.

So whom are you telling and whom are you not? Last night DH and I told my MIL & FIL. They are so excited. MIL is at my home with DS right now baking brownies before she has to drive 2 hours back home. Also, my SIL knows. That is about all I plan to tell until probably March, that is besides you ladies, unless I am showing before then. I would rather work not know for a while especially since I should be getting my raise sometime in February and I don't want to think that my raise will reflect upon this.

Is it true that you show earlier with pregnancies following the first? I guess I will have to wait and see. With Alexander I did not begin to show until 22 weeks. Some how I don't think I will be that lucky.

Have you already scheduled your first dr. appointment? I'm scheduled to go in Feb 3 for my first appt. The secretary said that I will be 7 1/2 weeks then. I guess that is right.

Well, I've gotta get back to work. Talk to you ladies later.
>TCOYF was very helpful. I read all the pertinent information
>from the book and I had started trying to chart the month of
>December. I'm really glad I don't have to chart anymore
>months, but the book was very informative.

I'm going to continue charting because I want to make sure my temp stays above the coverline; a drop in temp will be important to note, especially if I develop other signs of miscarriage. With my miscarriage, the fetus stopped growing about 2 weeks before I actually miscarried, and then I went through a terrible 24 hours without knowing whether the spotting was a miscarriage, or nothing to worry about. Temperature tracking would have been a very easy way to spot the miscarriage early, and I wouldn't have had to go through all that.

>I am so excited to see so many other Catheites are pregnant.
>Sandra we will have to see how close together we give birth.
>It is always great sharing stories and experiences with

Yes! I am so thrilled that this forum exists; it's nice to know I'm not the only one who wants to continue to be active during pregnancy.

>This is my second pregnancy. DS is 2 1/2 years old. With him
>I was borderline for gestational diabetes so I had to do the
>special diet and finger-pricking glucose test 3 times a day.
>The doctor was worried that he would be too big to deliver
>vaginally so I was induced the day before my actual due date
>so my doctor could be there to deliver DS. My ObGyn office
>switches off for the doctor on call. With my first I was very
>lucky and never had any morning sickness. As of right now the
>same applies. However if I don't eat anything when I begin to
>get hungry then I start getting dizzy like I am going to pass
>out and the right side of my body goes completely numb like if
>I were having a migraine. Very strange. That is the only
>symptom I have when I get migraines, which luckily is not very

That is *very* strange! Did you get that numbness with DS#1? Does eating reverse it? Are you feeling the usual pregnancy fatigue?
>So whom are you telling and whom are you not? Last night DH
>and I told my MIL & FIL. They are so excited. MIL is at my
>home with DS right now baking brownies before she has to drive
>2 hours back home. Also, my SIL knows. That is about all I
>plan to tell until probably March, that is besides you ladies,
>unless I am showing before then. I would rather work not know
>for a while especially since I should be getting my raise
>sometime in February and I don't want to think that my raise
>will reflect upon this.

Mmmm, brownies! That sounds scrumptious! I'm starving right now. I'm telling anyone with whom I would also share the news of a miscarriage. That means my immediate family, and my closest friends. And all of you :) I'll save telling my co-workers until a later date. Not sure yet when that will be. It's a contract job, so I'll be done it well before baby is born. That makes it of little relevance to them.

>Is it true that you show earlier with pregnancies following
>the first? I guess I will have to wait and see. With
>Alexander I did not begin to show until 22 weeks. Some how I
>don't think I will be that lucky.

"They" say you do start showing sooner. I suppose that can also be a very individual thing, depending on your body type. My lower abdomen is very bloated already, but I don't think that counts as "showing." I know the second time I seemed to lose my waist line pretty quick.

>Have you already scheduled your first dr. appointment? I'm
>scheduled to go in Feb 3 for my first appt. The secretary
>said that I will be 7 1/2 weeks then. I guess that is right.

Yes, my appointment is scheduled for, oh, the 16th of Feb, or something like that. The first time, I stayed with my GP for the whole pregnancy and delivery. This time I'm likely going to stick with the OB/GYN that I saw during the miscarriage. I still need to ask her about her various policies regarding prenatal monitoring and delivery. I'm tempted to explore the midwife option, but I would have to pay for that myself, and it's very expensive. At the very least, I will be hiring a doula.
>Well, I've gotta get back to work. Talk to you ladies later.

I'm so glad you finally got a positive test! That must have been a long week! Congratulations again!
Sandra I'm so sorry to hear about your previous miscarriage. Tracking is a good idea. I never thought about continuing it before. I think I would stick with the ObGyn as well. She will more than likely monitor you and the baby closely.

The numbness I stated in my earlier post I did have with my 1st pregnancy. Upon eating it would subside. I believe that it has something to do with my depleted glucose levels. Actually I experienced dizziness on Monday during my normal lunch time, but as soon as I ate something it went away. That is when I basically knew that I was pregnant. In order to not let this happen again I will take my lunch and some snacks to work on a daily basis.

Last year in July during my normal ObGyn appt I told my dr that I was going to try to get pregnant again. She said that since I was borderine with GD that she will test me probably at the 10 week mark to make sure my glucose levels are okay. I really worry that I will actually have GD this time around. Oh well, I will deal with it if that is the case.

In the meantime I just want to keep active even if that means just walking. I would like to try to keep my weight gain to a minimium if possible. What are your workouts consisting of? Are you having any pregnancy side effects yet? No real fatigue here yet, but I'm sure that will change.

Congratulations Kristi!! I thought you might have tested too soon. Like I said, I did the same thing last year, tested too my baby is 4 months old, born Sept. 7. Best of luck!!:) :)

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