is yoga a workout?


New Member
You are not exactly sweating likie you do while doing a Cathe video, but do you think it is a workout? thanks
Yes, I count it as a workout. I've seen gains in balance, strength, and flexibility. There have definately been routines that have made me sweat also. I love yoga for the mental focus as well. It's not like running on the treadmill where you can just zone out; you have to be totally aware of your body. I always feel more put together after yoga, if that makes any sense.
I would say that in most cases, no, it's not a workout in the traditional sense. You don't get your HR up over a long period of time like a cardio workout, and you don't get a lot of strength gains like you do for weight lifting. Some types of yoga do some bodyweight stuff and that can be challenging (but it's usually more of an isometric exercise). That being said, if you are tight and are needing some flexibility, it can really help with that. Also, it can help you to learn breathing techniques which can help with pain management and learning to 'focus' your mind. Like the above poster said, yoga works on balance as well (but of course you could easily incorporate that into your weight training exercises if you're not a fan of yoga).:)

Yes, I count most of my power yoga workouts (Brian Kest, Eionn Finn, P90X yoga) as a workout. They sure as heck make me sweat! :)
Definitely a workout and IMHO an essential part of a well rounded fitness regime (doesn't have to be yoga per se but some type of sustained stretching mixed with flexible strength and balance work). Fitness is 3 fold, cardiovascular training, strength/resistance training and flexibility. Flexibility is the oft forgotten one. Yoga keeps us limber, our joint healthy and lubricated and for many is a wonderful way to condition the mind and sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system from running amok through our busy days and lives. It is also invaluable in that it teaches us to breathe as we did when we came into this world, abdominally. Too many of us chest breathe which is not how we were built to breathe. Abdominal breathing helps keep our neck and chest from getting chronically tight and fuels us with oxygen much more efficiently.

Take Care
Normally, no, I wouldn't consider yoga a "workout" per se.....THEN I started doing P90X yoga. Holy mackeral! Talk about blood, sweat, and tears! Over the past 3 weeks, I have integrated yoga in my workout routine and consider it a blessing!!!
Yoga is definitely a workout.
Ashtanga can have light cardio benefits, but mostly yoga is a good flexibility workout, and standing poses are good body-weight strength moves.
Yes, I consider Yoga a workout. I use it as a strength workout not on a cardio day. It really lengthens and tones the muscles I build on my other two strength days. You have to make sure you are doing Power/Ashtanga yoga though because itis much more intense than Hatha type yoga which is a more gentle, slow-paced yoga. Try it in place of a strength workout once a week and see for yourself:)


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-
Beryl Bender Birch in her book Power Yoga, addresses the question "Is yoga aerobic?" The very definition of aerobic is with oxygen and the whole premise of yoga is also with oxygen. I can think of no other form of movement that empasizes the importance of the breath. She goes on to say that even though yoga may not elevate your heart rate to levels found in intense exercise, yoga is still aerobic because of the amount of oxygen being used.
It is a very different way of working our body, mind and soul with the breath being the very heart of it all.

(She explains it much better in her book that I do, and it is a very good read.)

Purchase Mark Blanchard's "The Foundation" yoga practice from Collage and after you do it, send me a PM and let me know if you think it was a workout! Word of warning, don't do it after your normal cardio workout!! I did one of Mark's 90 minute routines after doing a 60" cardio and my legs were a weebling and wobbling like rubber. Mark is truly the "Cathe" of yoga. I love him!

although Collage just picked up one of his and you could view a clip over there.

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