Is Travel Fit really a MET value of 7?


To me, Travel Fit is very much an upper body workout, with some core work, sprinkled with a tiny bit of cardio. Does it warrant such a high MET value?

Thanks for your help.
Travel Fit MET value

Travel Fit is not an easy workout and yes we feel that a MET value of 7 is appropriate for the intensity of this workout. However, none of our listed MET values have been tested in a lab. All of our values are based on the exercise Compendium that was first developed by Dr. Bill Haskell from Stanford University.

Though the compendium doesn't have MET data for a workout like Travel Fit you can look at other exercises like stationary bike riding (moderate intensity) with a MET value of 6.8 or a circuit training class with a MET value of 8.0 and at least get a good idea of what MET value is appropriate for a workout like Travel Fit.

As with any exercise class your MET value will also be determined by how much effort you put into your workout. Just doing and completing a workout will not have the same MET value as a person who really gives it their all. This makes it difficult to determine accurate MET values and is why we give you the ability to change a MET value for a workout if you feel it is too high or too low.

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