I had my D&C last Friday. Fri and Sat thought it was a cakewalk, very little spotting. Sunday, woke up with huge headache, achey all over, some cramps, felt "under the weather". Temp slightly elevated at 99.3. But docs don't care unless 101. Anyhow, last couple of night I have been waking up in the night with sharp, intermittent cramps. Fast forward to this, intense cramps and passing many clots (or tissue, I have no idea--ugggh I HATE that feeling). Some are the size of a silver dollar. Then the cramps will go away for a while but then bam they come back and just about double me over. Temp is OK at 98.7 tho.
Blood loss is minimal still though, just seems increased related to the passing of clots. I know cramps are normal when you begin to pass tissue-that is how you pass it. I did not start the miscarriage process on my own before the D&C so I wonder if this is my body finally realizing and miscarrying what it can??? Or did this mean there was tissue that was missed? I don't know. I don't understand why you pass any chunks considering that is what the D&C is supposed to do...clean out your uterus.? I figure if it doesn't go away today or if the bleeding increases, I'll worry. For now I just took 3 Advil.
Just dissapointed, I guess. I thought that since I had very little bleeding day 1 and 2 that I was golden. So glad I decided not to return to work this week. How long will it be before I can return to work and not be nervous I'll pass a huge clot in my underwear?? I move around way too much at work.
What has been your experiences post D&C?, please share! Thank you!
Blood loss is minimal still though, just seems increased related to the passing of clots. I know cramps are normal when you begin to pass tissue-that is how you pass it. I did not start the miscarriage process on my own before the D&C so I wonder if this is my body finally realizing and miscarrying what it can??? Or did this mean there was tissue that was missed? I don't know. I don't understand why you pass any chunks considering that is what the D&C is supposed to do...clean out your uterus.? I figure if it doesn't go away today or if the bleeding increases, I'll worry. For now I just took 3 Advil.
Just dissapointed, I guess. I thought that since I had very little bleeding day 1 and 2 that I was golden. So glad I decided not to return to work this week. How long will it be before I can return to work and not be nervous I'll pass a huge clot in my underwear?? I move around way too much at work.
What has been your experiences post D&C?, please share! Thank you!