Is seeing an aesthetician a waste of money?


Active Member
Have any of you seen an aesthitician for skin problems? I am 33 yrs old and have had problems with acne (cystic) on and off since I was 18. I've done it all...2 rounds of accutane, pro active, antibiotics, etc. Currently, I am using Retin-A and Duac gel and have gotten pretty good results (not breaking out as much but have these little pink polka dot scars all over my cheeks that are taking forever to go away). I think these breakouts have been related to stress and hormones, but haven't been able to figure out exactly what and why to fix the problem.
I was wondering if any of you have seen an aesthetician for similar problems and what results you've gotten. I would not mind coughing up the $$ for regular facials or skin care products, as long as they work. (And if anyone has any advice on what to do for the pink polka dots, that would be greatly appreciated too!!!)
i saw a dermatologist first then he recommended me to an aesthetician for the sun damage on my face. i have been doing acid peels for the past 4 months and i'm amazed at how great my skin looks. no more sun damage discoloration! anyway, i think going to the derm first is the best way and then he can refere you to someone reliable b/c there are many aesthetician's out there that don't know their stuff
I too have tried everything. Things that have worked are: going to a dermatologist and having the office give Omnilux treatments, going to an aesthetician for "silk peel," and giving up caffeine. Giving up caffeine gave the most dramatic difference. It is hard though because I love coffee.
Giving up caffeine??? Yikes, what's the connection between skin problems and caffeine--sorry, if I'm sounding extremely ignorant!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
The dermatologist said that some adult acne is really Rosacea. One of the known triggers of Rosacea is caffeine. Nothing was working for me, so I did an experiment and got rid of caffeine and my skin TOTALLY cleared. It was frustrating because I had tried every expensive remedy in the book. Even the results of accutane were temporary. more problem. No caffeine is hard though, especially on days when you are dead beat.
I too suffer with pink polka dot scars that literally take months to go away. By then I've had more breakouts and more pink polka dot scars. I've had great success with my aesthetician. She does microderbrasion first then a chemical peel. The treatment plan is 5 treatments which are done every 10-15 days, then once monthly for maintenance. It is expensive for me so I usually only have the treatments quarterly.

Good luck, and I feel your pain.

I started seeing one a year ago (I'm 35) because of my blotchy skin (sun damage and acne scars). My experience has been amazing and I wish I'd done this as a teen rather than going to a dermatoligist. The place I go is unique - the owner actually has degrees in this stuff, from Russia, and she formulates the products herself. And her people are exceptionally trained. I don't know if it's just going reguarly or the products but I couldn't be happier and the money is well worth it for me. If you'd like you and PM me and I can give you more information about locations etc. and where exactly I go.

Good luck!


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