is p90x for me?


I don't have a workout tower and don't have the room for it (really, I'm barely making it space wise with Cathe's workouts). In highschool I was never able to do one pullup, even though that was 7 years ago and I've been working out I have a feeling I still wouldn't be able to do one. So with me missing out on pullups will I still benefit from P90x? I was going to order the entire set of bands, will they be good enough? I want to get the results you girls are getting!
Same exact situation here. No room for more equipment, period end of story. And can't imagine doing a "pull-up" if they're what we used to call "chin-ups" when I was young. Curious to see what kind of responses you get.
You can sub the pull ups with those rubber bands. They are absolutely doable that way -- you don't miss out at all.
Best of luck to you guys, P90X rocks!:)
>I don't have a workout tower and don't have the room for it
>(really, I'm barely making it space wise with Cathe's
>workouts). In highschool I was never able to do one pullup,
>even though that was 7 years ago and I've been working out I
>have a feeling I still wouldn't be able to do one. So with me
>missing out on pullups will I still benefit from P90x? I was
>going to order the entire set of bands, will they be good
>enough? I want to get the results you girls are getting!

When I started P90X, I substituted 1 arm rows and pullovers for the pull-ups and chin-ups. Now I'm using bands. I'm not sure you need the entire set of bands (though they are really good quality). I ordered the "extreme" set and they are working well for pulldowns. I personally wouldn't want to go any lighter (for reference, I usually do 1-arm rows with 25# or 30# dumbells, but in P90X, I've been able to use #35).

By the way, when we had to do "bent arm hangs" (the girls equivalent for pullups when I was in grade and high school), I could barely hold myself up for the count of 1! Guess that's why I'm digging being able to lift heavy!
You know Kathryn it's interesting how different our bodies can be regarding lifting. I've been using 20-25# for the back rows and I'm am in awe of your 35# rows, I guess I could probably do one or two, but I would be really straining and probably in bad form. But I can do three pullups now and then the rest with my toe on the chair, way out in front of me, straight leg. Now, in my mind, I would think with the incredibly heavy weights you use, pull ups would be a breeze for you. (just throwing out thoughts). I've been subbing the lat bar from my universal gym for the close grip pullups due to the hand (tenosynovitis) problem I was experiencing. Would you say that the bands would be better than the lat pulldown bar or no difference?

I'll see soon if I can do even one pull-up! I caved and ordered a pull-up station. I imagine myself struggling to do even one! 35# twice over is still a lot less than what I weigh!!

I'm not sure about pulldown bar vs. the bands. I used pulldown bars years ago, so my memory is not clear. I'd think that there would be some difference because the bands have more tension the farther they are stretched, and the pull-down bar has the same reistance throughout the movement. Don't know what effect that would have.

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