Is Bok Choy safe to eat?


Active Member
Twice now I've had food poisoning from Bok Choy. Fresh Bok Choy from the grocery store. Is it dangerous to eat, like sprouts? Has anyone else had problems with it?
Hey Joey,

Are you absolutely certain that you didn't get the food poisoning from something you ate with the bok choy? I've not heard anything about it but then again, I only eat it when I order chinese food from a resturant.
I've never had a problem with it.....ranks right up there with Mangos!! (okay, not quite but it's up there)

It's a regular in my kitchen. It's not a high risk food, it grows like cabbage above the earth. Contrast with sprouts which are grown & stored in a moist medium where bacteria can flourish.

You didn't purchase the prewashed, bagged type did you? Lots of people don't wash their bagged greens (salad greens, spinach). They really should be washed & picked through. Once greens are washed they start to deteriorate.

Might be something else. Some types of food borne illness can take days or weeks to manifest so it can be tough to trace the source.

(I've taken a food safety course in a culinary program in case you're wondering if I have a clue.)

Hmmm...Maybe I'm unfairly blaming the bok choy for a strange coincidence. The first time was regular bok choy, the second time was baby bok choy, none of it was bagged, and both times eaten with rice. I guess I'll go back to the drawing board on this. Thanks you guys!

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