Intuitive Eating Checkin 4/29-

Hey Ladies,

Seems like last week was a doozey for most of us though it got better as the week went along. My heart sincerely goes out to you all for the grief the food thing is giving or has given you. We'll work this out.

Me, surprisingly I'm feeling 1000 times better. I hate PMS, but I LOVE when it's over. I've been approaching things more and more from the inside out and changing my lifestyle a bit. I cleaned out my closet the other day and took out all the clothes, arranged them by season and size. Just for a hoot I tried on the clothes from my smallest size and they didn't fit at all. In fact, I was amazed I was that tiny. I remember that period of my life as being pretty fit & healthy, eating whatever I wanted and being outdoors a lot. That was just two years ago. Boy, it made me so happy to remember what that was like. It reminded me of things I forgot - eating healthy (not starving) and exercising consistently plus for fun REALLY does and WILL work for me. And, it's a little embarassing to say this, but I realized that I had gained weight but I still felt beautiful. It really is more the state of my life and hormones that makes me happy or feel gorgeous. Within this last week the fever of my stress at work broke and it's such a relief. I stored away all the clothes I don't use right now and I think I'll be a cleaning addict for a while - are you ready for my corny statement of the week, brace yourselves ;) - cleaning things out for me right now is like letting go of the past, restoring balance and order, and creating a better life. This is my way of applying the IE ideas about emotional eating...use cleaning and such to work through the emotions and bring myself back in balance. How about ya'll?

Love, J.
Hi Everyone,
This week doesn't seem to be that bad.But again it is only Tuesday. My husband is gone away for work for a couple of days and now I don't have to worry about him eating late at night and me watching him.
I set a new goal yesterday..and I think that it is pretty good one. Right now I range between 123-126.So we have a wedding to go to on June 1 so that gives me...4 weeks I guess.(round about). So I would like to get down to 120 before June 1.I don't really have alot to lose but i think that would get rid of those love handles that I am not loving.
So I guess to do that I should stay with'in the 1500 calorie mark.And I am going to try to work out twice a day. I ran at 10;30 today for 8kms.Took me about 40 min. So when I put my little girl to bed tonight I think that I will be doing power hour and some sort of aerobics.
I have a major sweet tooth and I think that that is where my problems lie.I don't eat fried stuff or chips very often...but i love the sugar...
Wish me luck..I'll keep you posted
Does anyone think that 1500 calories is a good range or should i go up or down??? I only have four weeks and atleast 5 pounds to go.
Hi Lori,

A wedding? That sounds fun. About the calorie thing I'd really have to say that watching calories is unnecessary and contributes to the diet mentality that the IE book urges you to just run away from as fast as you can. Sounds like you're a great runner..go for it!!! :) Ironically, I was on a 1400 calorie diet a couple of months ago and I swear my metabolism is still slowed down from it. If you deprive yourself then mentally you will resent and fight it AND your metabolism slows because your body thinks there's a famine..time to hold onto the fat! You don't want that. Focusing on just eating real food - fruits and yogurt for sweets, veggies - along with your exercise will probably get you where you wanna be. It's great you have such a moderate goal. Oh, and I think drinking ice cold water helps. :)
Nice to hear from you and you'll have to let us know how it's going as it's going!

Have fun, J.
Hey everyone - I am glad to hear that you are doing well Jen. I like packing away stuff too - its sort of therapeutic and it gives me closure. I totally agree that feeling beautiful is all a state of the mind. There are times when I feel so good about myself that my weight does not matter anymore. However the last 2 weeks have been crap. I felt huge and no amount of positive thinking helped. As usual I made myself feel better by eating too little and exercising too much. Everytime I think I am free of this pattern, I enter right back into it. I was also pre-menstrual which made me want to eat toast or cereal for all 3 meals and absolutely nothing else. Hopefully this week will be better and I will stick with the 'eat moderately and exercise moderately' principle better.

Lori, I am sure you will look great at the wedding with all that hard work you are putting in. I don't know if 1500 calories is enough but if you are running, eat well to look your best. Good luck.
prfitness - Hang in there! When pms strikes I also can't stand to eat anything besides starchy things or ice cream. Here's an unsolicited suggestion :) how about a trip to a museum or browsing through some art books at the bookstore.

I think you're grand,
Hi Gang!
Still reading the book! Funny how I thought my eating was no problem until I bought some of my old "trigger" foods because according to the book you should allow yourself to eat anything. My daughter needed snacks for school so she wanted keebler chocolate chip cookies. They were buy one get one free. So I did. That was on Sunday. We are still on the first bag but I ate them a couple of times just because they were there. Not because I wanted them. I didn't really enjoy them. Am I kind of working the book backwards?? Usually I didn't buy stuff like that because we could have treats like that when out instead of eating too much of them. But I started out not buying them because I couldn't control myself around them. But the times I ate them when I didn't want them I felt sick because I was already satisfied. Seems like the darn book is making me think about food when I wasn't in the first place. No, seriously, it makes sense. If I was like before both the bags would be gone by now. It is a good feeling to know they're there and I don't need them. Maybe I'm just surprised!

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