In Limbo Land and Not Enjoying It


Hello Everyone,
My period is due this coming Tuesday-Sept 6th. My chest is tender and I am salivating more than usual(strange symptom, but when I am pregnant I have a lot of saliva). I took one of those early pregnancy tests yesterday. It was Negative. So I decided it was all in my mind and that my period will start on Tuesday. Case Closed.
Well, I just read the posts about getting negative results on the early pregnancy tests even if you are pregnant. So now I have a little hope. But this is driving me nuts.
For a little background I have 6 children and have had 4 miscarraiges(sp). The last 2 miscarraiges were in 2003. My youngest is 5 and we thought we were finished. But if God will bless us again we would be thrilled. I will be 44 on the 16th of this month. Yes, I am old. At least for having children. But thanks to Cathe I am in the best shape of my life.
This limbo land is the worst. Must have patience. Please keep us in prayer. And my prayers are with all those is the same situation. And for those who have recently miscarried, don't give up hope. I got pregnant with my last child right after I had miscarried. Never even had a period. Healthy pregnancy and healthy baby boy who is now 5 years old. I was 38 at the time. The doctors tell you to wait only because they don't really know what to tell you. That is what a doctor told me.
Thanks for listening.
God bless,
Heather -

I sure do understand the limbo land! I really have to work at getting pg and have been in that place more times than I want to think about. I will be praying for you and hoping that all goes well. I did have a neg on an early test and then a later positive, there is always hope!! Do you do any temping? I was using every method I knew of when TTC, and the old thermometer was my best friend. :)

Keep us posted and hang in there!

Hi Heather! I do understand the frustration and you are in my prayers!

I just want to add that excessive saliviation (its medical name is Ptyalism) is not uncommon. It usually occurs in the first trimester but can persist. The exact cause is unknown but could be related to elevated estrogen. So, I just want you to know you aren't weird. :)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. The two week wait seems interminable. I'm at the other end of the equation: two weeks away from my due date, and it feels much the same way. I hope you have some good news to post for us on Tuesday!

Hi Heather...I haven't talked to you in sooooo long!! Great to hear from you and we'll keep you in our prayers.

I want to assure you 44 is not old. Only the doctor will tell you that. A friend of mine was at a home school meeting and there were more than 10 women over the age of 50 who were pregnant and doing well and most were delivering at home!!

Keep us posted. Also, have you tried using progesterone cream, several of my friends had trouble staying pregnant and the proG cream seemed to help them hormonally. Something to investigate and I can ask further if you are interested. Blessings!!

Briee (I'm the other mother of six!!)

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