Hi everyone,

I haven't been here in a while, but I have some important health information.

For those of you who know me, you know I have had a chronic illness for over 20 years. Well, I have great news. I have been diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning, specifically mercury and arsenic.

The reason I wanted to post is to warn people who have children, or for themselves, not to let anyone put any kind of metal fillings or crowns, etc. in yours or your child's mouth!

PLEASE let my experience keep anyone else from going through what I have.

These silver fillings can be very toxic despite what the dental association has told you. I am proof of that.

Not everyone who has silver fillings gets toxic, but why take the chance with you or your child's health when there are other options available.

If anyone out there is suffering from any chronic illness or problems such as sinus or headaches that don't seem to get better no matter what you do or keep coming back, please check into what's in your mouth!

On a happier note, because I have continued to exercise throughout the years, I have survived this poisoning of my system. I can't emphasize enough how important consistent exercise is. No matter how much or how little you can do DON'T EVER GIVE UP! It may very well save your life one day, it has mine. :)

If anyone wants to e-mail me for more information about silver fillings, my e-mail address is [email protected]. Those are lower case "L's"

Thank you all for the wonderful support and encouragement you have given me and I hope I can return the favor.

THANK YOU CATHE! Without you and Christi Taylor I would not be where I am today.

Laura Berk
Hi Laura:

Glad to hear you have finally been diagnosed and have the chance to get better. I am sure you will notice a huge difference in your overall health once you get those "silver" fillings removed. I had mine removed about 8 years ago and replaced with gold fillings, it made all the difference!!!!Before I had chronic sinus infections and headaches, couldn't get rid of it, no matter what I did. 1 week after the fillings were removed my condition improved significantly until I was completely free of any symptoms after a year. However, I also went to a doctor who gave me medication and a plan for detoxification.

It is still amazing to me that in a country as advanced as the US this problem (silver fillings and their potentially harmful effects) is not addressed and approached. I am originally from Germany and we have had that discussion for at least 15 years, finally the insurance companies in Germany gave in and you had a choice of silver fillings or plastic inlays. Private health insurance in Germany has covered gold or ceramic inlays for over 15 years now.

Imagine my surprise when I moved to the US and my dentist told me that despite of my proven record of adverse reaction to silver fillings American health insurance only covers silver fillings. In my opinion the Dental Association is just covering for the insurance industry to keep the insurance companies' cost low. If you look deeper into that issue it blows your mind. Dentists have to have special filters and machines for removing silver fillings to avoid contamination of the environment, however, it is okay to have it in a persons mouth for 10, 15, 20 years. What a bunch of.... (you know what).

Sorry to get so longwinded on you here but this subject just pushes my buttons.

Anyway, take care and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need advise, I have been in your shoes several years ago. My email address is [email protected].

Take care,


Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, it is ASTONISHING the lengths they have gone to to hide the truth. I couldn't believe all of the information I found that I had never heard before. Of course, it is ALWAYS about money, isn't it!

I am going through a heavy duty detox program because my body is so saturated with the poison. They think it will take months, but at least I'm getting it out.

I just hope I can keep others, especially children, from going through this, that's why I'm trying to get this info out the best way I can.

I will e-mail you when I get the chance :)

Thanks Laura
Hi Laura!

It is so good to see you posting! Sorry, it's been so long since I E-mailed you. I only have a minute here but wanted to say how HAPPY I am that you finally have been diagnosed! You have stayed so committed with your fitness and I truly commend you for that. I know it was so tough at times. My thoughts are with you as you heal and make a healthy comeback. Thinking of you!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Debbie!

So good to hear from you!

How is grandma-hood going? :)

I'm going to try to start posting my workouts next week. I know you're busy, but please e-mail me when you get a chance and let me know how things are going.


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