
Hi Everybody!!

I just received an email saying to not buy gas on Sept 1st. I wish I could have sent that email here, but I could not. Supposedly the gas stocks will take a giant plunge if all americans take one day and not buy gas. Since the government is not stepping in, I figure this is worth a shot. So tell everyone you know!!!!


Sara B
I think Hurricane Katrina is going to have a huge impact on our oil prices.:-(

I personally don't think not buying gas for one day will do anything.
I heard OPEC is having another meeting in September to "discuss" stuff....
Katrina will drive gas prices through the ceiling with all those oil rigs having to be evacuated. If the price of a barrel of oil hits $70, our gas prices will top $3 on average...DH is trying to get us gassed up for the week (love the dual tanks on his truck)...
Well, you just can't help but to be hopeful that something would bring these prices down.... It is crazy. I pay almost $60 to fill up my vehicle.

Sara B
I drive an SUV also and filling up is painful to say the least. I am a lot luckier than most though since I work at home and don't commute. Still, shelling out $60 or more for a fill-up is unreal!!!
Not sure what you want the government to do about it really. There are many factors affecting prices. One of the major factors is Clinton's friends the Chinese whose consumption is way up over what they have used in the past. There are other factors too, related in part to the fact that because the U.S. environmental laws are so confusing and stringent we haven't had new refineries built here in maybe 30 years. Quite ridiculous.
If you are in the stock market then your money is in energy somewhere. You really want stocks to dive like the email suggests?
I wanted to second Carol is Fit on the fact that these emails are hoaxes. Take the time to check out these kinds of emails at places like before passing on bad information.
Guess if you want to pay less for gas you'll have to get rid of that SUV. I know I won't be buying another one. Funny thing is I am not sure the national average price has reached $3.00/gallon for the cheap stuff. If not, it's still not at the all-time inflation adjusted high.
It's times like this that I am sooo happy to be a SAHM and not commuting an hour or more to work every day! Granted I had my salary to pay for the gas I used on my commute and now I do not but to have to spend sooo much $ commuting would have killed me! Now there are very few places that I HAVE to go and those places are all local! The last time I filled my tank it cost just over $30.00...I have a Hyundai Sonata.

x( :-( x( :-( x( :-( x( :-(
Nice on Ice,

Boy, you sure are blunt and to the point...not to mention a bit rude. My email did not suggest or imply anything about the stock market crashing. I was implying that the oil companies would get hit in the pocketbook just as we are with their gas prices.

Sara B

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