I'm so tired


I think the 3rd trimester has finally kicked in. I am so tired. I had wanted to do P/P on Monday, well I was too tired so I didn't work out. So I said to myself that I was going to do it last night. Didn't get it done. I drug myself upstairs to workout and I ended up laying on the bed instead. Arrhhh!!! I think I wore myself out yesterday though. After work I went to pick up a few things at the grocery store, came home and made 2 loaves of zuchinni bread, made homemade mac-n-cheese for supper, did laundry and scrubbed the floors. I was too tuckered out to workout.

I brought my sneakers with me to work so I can at least take a walk during my lunch.

I hope that this fatigue does not last until the end of my pregnancy.
I hear ya! And I'm supposed to be in the high-energy vacation trimester!! I did Body Fusion yesterday for the first time, and I thought, "Oh this will be EASY, it's for BEGINNERS!" Plus, I did it on a 6" step, not an 8" like some crazy people do REAL workouts on. Well, let me tell you, it was a humbling experience! I got really winded and had to take breaks. The most obvious explanation is of course, the pregnancy and all the extra blood I have to pump, etc., but still, I can't help but think it's because I was so lax during my first trimester. And of course, I think, if it's this bad NOW, wait another 6 weeks when I'll really be feeling it. Yikes. I miss the old me. At night, when I can't fall asleep (which happens often despite the fatigue), I daydream about being really fit and doing lots of hard Cathe workouts. I think about the rotations I would do with the Gym Series workouts that I've yet to get the chance to really enjoy. I taste the endorphin rush I would get from Interval 9 in Imax 2. I think about lying on my back for 20 minute ab workouts and PLB floorwork. Sigh. Oh how I digress.
Monica I'm with you on that. When I take my whopping 1 mile walk at lunch I make a mental journal of what workouts/rotations I'm going to do once my little guy arrives, how I"m going to eat, etc. I think we're nuts! HA!!!
Dana and Monica,

Count me in on all things you've discussed here. I alternate between two states: feeling tired and sleeping. Yesterday I was daydreaming about how good it's going to feel to exercise when no longer pregnant. I have officially been pregnant for a year! On this day last year I took a pregnancy test that was positive. In the 11th week the baby miscarried, and a couple of cycles later I was pregnant again. It seems like a veeeeery long time since I've been able to exercise without being influenced by pregnancy hormones.

In the past week I've noticed my stamina plunging. I'm thinking of doing Cathe's July rotation (slightly modified) until the end of the pregnancy, because the workouts every day are short. She says she designed it to simply help people maintain their fitness during the very busy summer months. Sounds about perfect.

Monica, I really look forward to doing some solid core work again, too. I've yet to try any of the Core Max's. And I miss the BootCamp all-core premix.

All the best,
Sandra I thought the same thing about the July rotation. Maybe I'll give that a try. We don't have that much longer to go.
i know what you mean..tired has become my middle name.:-(
oh well, not much longer to go...and then we can all put those new workout plans into play. I CAN'T WAIT!

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