I'm pregnant!


I just got the blood results back today and hormone levels are doubling! I am only about 5 weeks at this point, but I am so excited and wanted to tell someone. Before getting pregnant my level of fitness was not as great as it once was when I was doing Cathe workouts more regularly so I think I will start with prenatal fitness videos even in the first trimester and walking. I just don't feel up to doing something too hard. I have netflix so I think I am going to try before I buy on a lot of prenatal videos.

Anyway, I will probably have a ton of questions so hope to talk to everyone more in the coming months.

First of many questions - How much coffee does everyone still drink? My doctor said 2 cups a day is fine (200 mg). I have been drinking 1/2 cup in the morning (about 50 mg) and usually one espresso drink in the afternoon (80 mg), so I am definitely staying under 200. But DH thinks I should try to cut it out all together? I also like getting my afternoon soy latte to get the extra protein
and calcium since I am eating mostly vegan. I guess I could just get a steamed milk or decaf. Is decaf okay during pregnancy?
Congratulations Diane!!!!

This is a wonderful time in life for you.

Coffee/Caffeine- You ultimately should listen to your doctor.
Which it sounds like you are and as long as your comfy w/him.
I wonder if you still will even want to drink it in a few weeks
if not less. I loved my soy lattes until I was 7/8 weeks along
last time and with this pregnancy. I simply lost my taste for it.
It did come back in the second trimester but at that point I
stayed away from any stimulants for the baby but also it would
interfere with my lack of sleep. If you can weane yourself off
perhaps over the next few weeks? Half caf? If your tired it might
seem to help but they say water is the best energy booster.
Just listen to your body and what you feel is best.
As far as getting the extra protein I drink soy instead of
regular milk plain, just my preference but you can also eat
protein enriched snacks/mini meals. You might find some cravings
of your own you might not expect. Stay healthy and please let
us know how you are doing.

Jennifer Claire 12/24/05.
? 8/6/07.
Congratulations! How exciting!
I could never give up coffee! I would go to the 1/2 caff Folgers puts out. That is pretty good.

Tell DH he is being paranoid, lol}(
Having children is such a wonderful joy and blessing:)

I drank decaf occasionally while I was pregnant but my sister would drink it everyday. All of our babies are healthy and happy:) As far as exercise, I did all low impact and swore by The Perfect Pregnancy DVD it was great! Here is a link:


I used this one the whole time with my third and I had a flatter stomach a week after I had him then with my other two. Hope that helps,


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

Thanks for your help. I have decided to cut the caffeine down to once a day, one espresso drink in the afternoon at work is 80 mg of caffeine.

I just bought several prenatal workouts and The Perfect Pregnancy Workout was one of them! I tried it yesterday and I liked it a lot. The only thing it didn't have was biceps, but I can just add a few curls if I want. I also have the pilates workout by the same girl that did the Perfect Pregnancy Workout, Fitmama with Lisa Hart, Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea. I have been alternating these with walking so hopefully I will not gain too much weight and will be able to bounce back sooner.

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