I'm pregnant!


Hi everyone,

I am almost 8 weeks pregnant, and I thought I'd go ahead and come out of the closet. My husband and I have been waiting to tell our friends until I'm a little farther along, but I thought I could go ahead and post here. I am due on Halloween. I just need a little encouragement because I'm feeling so yucky! This will be our second. Our little girl will be 2 in 2 weeks, and I can't believe it has been 2 years since I was posting about being pregnant with her on here. I had forgotten how nasty I feel at the beginning - no throwing up yet, but just constant nausea all day and all night long. I do not want to do anything to exercise. Up until today, I have been exercising every day, but I just have no motivation today. It has just been zapping all my energy. Any suggestions on good low intensity workouts that you first-trimester moms like? The thought of yoga makes me sick - all the positions kind of make me feel carsick right now. What are some workouts you enjoy? Anything else you do to help you feel better? Thanks, and I look forward to posting on here for the next few months!

Hi Emily

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm 8 weeks too! Just started my 9th week and I know EXACTLY how you feel. My little boy just turned one and I am also pretty zapped and low on motivation.

I've been doing the CTX series and basically all of Cathe's step routines but with lower intensity. I've also enjoyed Power Hour and Muscle Endurance with lighter weights but found them to be just a tad more difficult to get through.

Actually, I know we aren't supposed to do interval tapes, but I found that modifying Imax 1 and 2 works very well for me. I just continue to do something of moderate intensity during the blasts and the recovery time is perfect for keeping my heartrate in check and getting that much needed water in.

Also, in regards to the nausea, eating something small every few hours has helped a little...but no, I don't feel great either.

Good luck and please post often. It helps to have someone to share the journey.
Hi Emily! Congratulations! How fun! Don't stress about your workouts right now. Do only what you can day by day (on some days even hour by hour or minute by minute;-) ). Just taking walks may be all you want to do right now. You'll probably start feeling better by week 12 or so. As for nausea, I just kept a ziplock of saltines and a can of gingerale with me. I know that doesn't always do it for everyone but it worked for me most of the time. Take Care!
Congratulations Emily! This is such an exciting time! The best advice I got was to revel in this pregnancy because it's only the first time once and next time you may have another child clinging to you.

I was horribly nauseaus (sp?) and spent a lot of time in the restroom. My throwing up got so bad I was put on a "diet" of sour things (which worked): lemon heads, salt and sour potato chips, minute maid lemonade and push-ups. I must say though that I could only sustain tis for 4 days before my mouth became raw...!!! Like Cathe said, I was better about week 14.

Give yourself a break. If you don't feel like exercising - DON'T. The lethargy passes in time and then you will probably feel better. Get a massage instead!

Looking forward to hearing about your progress! I just had my first baby 9/14/02 and LOVED being pregnant.

Good luck!

Jeni - a NEW Healthy Moms Certified Perinatal Fitness Instructor!
Congratulations on your second pregnancy, Emily! I don't have much advice on workouts. I am to the point where I am so tired I have to force myself to workout. Plus, I just moved to a higher altitude, making me feel winded the moment I start do step touches (and pre-pregnancy I used to breeze throught Interval Max with no problems!).

Anyway, since you are due on Halloween, I thought I'd share a story with you. When my cousin found out she was due on Halloween in 2001, she came up with a very clever way of announcing it to close family and friends. She decorated baby diapers for each recipient. With the diaper positioned like a top-opening card she decorated on the front: "Trick or Treat," and on the inside: "I hope you chose treat because this is no trick. This Halloween we're going as NEW PARENTS. Your new cousin is due October 31st." Of course, her pregnancy was a surprise to her as well as everyone else, so it was exciting to receive this in the mail.

Good luck with exercising - I guess you and I both need that.

(another) Emily
Hi, I just reached the end of my 1st trimester and I had nausea for weeks 6 through 11. It was all day and seemed worse at night. I got really tired of saltines. I found a couple of things that did help. First was slurpees or otter pops. For some reason the extreme cold stuff hitting my stomach seemed to suppress the nausea. Also eating many small meals of bland food. It always seemed to get worse if I let myself get hungry. I'm heard that the wristbands used for sea sickness help but I could not find any in Reno (too far from the sea I guess:7 )

Hope this helps!
Wrist bands for sea sickness may not be a good idea.....

I have heard of and know someone personally who got very sick after taking these off. I went on a cruise for my honeymoon and got very sea sick and I was advised by more than one person not to use them because you will get terribly ill after taking them off. I have a friend who did use them and that was the result. I don't know if it would be the same for pregnancy, but I would hate to find out. Just something to think about.


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