I'm great during the day.....

Me too. It's like I'm Dr Jekyl and Mr Hide. I find if I stay VERY BUSY and as far away from the kitchen as possible, that helps. But it's not always possible.

Can you keep bad foods out of the house? Do you have a SO that is willing to hide the bad stuff from you? My own DH is great for this, he never minds hiding it since that means he'll get to eat most of it.

I once read a suggestion from Cathe on dealing with chocolate cravings. She said do ten pushups before you give in. That way at least you're getting the exercise, and hopefully, you'll feel so good about doing the pushups, that you wont' give in. Maybe you could try something like that too?
How about some herbal teas that are naturally sweet (or sweetened with stevia). They can help curb that sweet craving, and the fluid helps you feel fuller.

I agree about keeping the 'bad' foods out of the house. If it's not around, you can't eat it. Stock up on some fruit instead, so when that craving hits, you can grab an apple (less than 100 calories, good fiber, low glycemic and sweet) or a pear.

Another idea: maybe you're being a bit 'too strict' with yourself during the day, and your body is craving carbs (which you interpret as 'sweets"?). It would be better to eat something sweet earlier in the day, perhaps, to stave off the later craving.
I have the same issue. And I literally can't keep the sweet stuff out of the house... because my kids like it and I don't think it's necessary to deprive them of some fun food. I do, though, try to get low fat ice cream that everyone likes. But when your little one asks to bake a cake... of course I say yes... then end up eating it, too!!!! When you have that craving for something sweet... IMO herbal tea just ain't gonna cut it.
> When you have that craving for something sweet... IMO herbal tea just ain't gonna
>cut it.

For some people, it might, if what they're craving is the taste, and not the texture. There are some chocolate-flavored herbal teas that are pretty tasty. A chocolate-mint tea might help with a craving for chocolate-mint cookies (one of my favorites!) for example.

The trick is finding what you are really craving: texture, flavor or the whole shebang, and seeing if you can find a substitute that satisfies you. And if not, having a small amount of 'the real thing'.
I used to be the same way, and still am sometimes. Needing to count points for WeightWatchers, I noticed that if I started counting my points at 1700 in the evening for the next 24 hrs, then I stopped eating a lot sooner (wouldn't have any points for breakfast or lunch)! Now, because I work nights, it's not much of a problem because it's all I can do to drag my wagon into bed in the morning!
Kathryn, Where do you find the chocolate mint tea? I have looked for chocolate tea and can't find it. Also, if I drink regular hot tea, it just makes me so much hungrier for some reason. Melissa
>Kathryn, Where do you find the chocolate mint tea? I have
>looked for chocolate tea and can't find it. Also, if I drink
>regular hot tea, it just makes me so much hungrier for some
>reason. Melissa

I actually haven't had it for a while, but there was a brand of herbal teas that had chocolate-mint, chocolate-orange and some other combos.

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