If I am trying to get pregnant should I sign up for Ms. Fit?


My sister is trying to get pregnant but she wants to sign up for Ms. FIt to lose some weight. SHe has about 25% body fat so that shouldn't be an issue when it comes to conceiving. WHat is your opinion on this? THank you :)
Honestly, I do not know why women try to diet when they are trying to conceive, or, worse yet, when they are pregnant!! Goes beyond me. I have never had kids but I will say NO NO NO. Time to prepare your body is BEFORE you actively start trying to conceive.

Plus, I don't think I would have the motivation to diet when I know that I will just get fat right away. LOL!! How horrible!!:)

Maybe the people who have been preggo will jump in here and flame me!
RE: If I am trying to get pregnant should I sign up for...


Don't worry Janice, I won't flame you. :)

I will say, though, that there is a difference between DIETING and changing the way you eat. I don't know anything about the Ms. Fit program so I can't comment on it specifically but if your sister wants to change her eating habits for the better while she is trying to conceive I don't see a problem with that. I did that once I was pregnant. I did it because I wanted to eat healthier and ward off excess weight gain from pregnancy.

She really needs to consult her doctor though. That is the best person to ask...


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!

RE: If I am trying to get pregnant should I sign up for...

Good advice, Wendy!!

I totally agree with Wendy. It is not supposed to be dieting. It is to learn how to eat healthy and clean. I see dieting as starving yourself. Which I totally think is crazy!!
Yeah, really - why bother? Go through all that trouble to get into shape and then get pregnant and have to do it all over again after the baby? On the other hand, women who are physically fit prior to becoming pregnant, and who continue to exercise throughout pregnancy, typically have easier pregnancies and deliveries and their bounce-back period is shorter. I had a very easy pregnancy. The delivery - not so much. But that's mostly because Teri was facing the wrong way and I have a deformed pelvis as the result of breaking it when I was 19.

I don't think it would make a difference as long as her body fat doesn't get TOO low. Maybe keep it above 20%? I'm sure our resident OB/GYN would have a better answer than me. What do I know? I'm a systems analyst.
Shouldn't your sister ask her doctor?

Personally, I think Karen's eating plan is reasonably healthy but my plan currently restricts dairy and fruit which would not work if she gets pregnant because as I recall dairy is required.

If you've read Ms Fit's bio, you know she has medical training. Your sister could email Karen and get her thoughts. Her email is on the home page.

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