ICE Workouts


Quick question regarding ICE rotation. Any harm in not taking the rest day in the middle of the week like in the rotation and just keep all my rest days on Sunday? Is there a reason why there is one in the middle of the week?
I don't see any reason why you could not take your rest day when you want your rest day. I wouldn't do MTB or Rock'm Sock'm after the Legs one though or MTB after the UB Strength either. Let your muscles react and grow/condition on that day. That's just me though.
In my opinion, I think you could safely do MTB after Rock'm Sock'm since you did not use weights for the kickboxing routine. I would just avoid using weights for the same body part on 2 consecutive days. I agree with Elsie. I think you could choose your own rest day and tweak the program to make it work for you.

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