I was doing so good

Robbie Dru

Active Member
I was doing so good with my workouts getting definition in my arms lost 15 pounds. Had my schedule M-F. But I had been having a face problem wnt to five dentists had two root canals on the same tooth wnt to a orl surgeon he tooth the tooth out, still no relief. He snt me to a ENT. He said this is not your problem wnt for and MRI and CatScan so you can imagaine the money I have been spending. Imagine Having a sever e toothache, earache and trying to workout. But I still did it. I was snt to a neurologist he could not help me. He snt me to a Brain surgeon. I ended up having tic douloureux also known as trigeminal neuralgia. He put me on seizure medicine still no relief so now we are talking about 8 months. I decided the pain was bad enough I had to have surgery. The surgery did not go well I felt the whole thing they could not get me to go out. He said in his 30 years never has he had a patient do that. Anyway I knew the risk that he could hit the nerves and I would never feel the left side of my face again and prone to eye infections where I would have to keep drops in them. I have not cried in I don't know How many years but that surgery had me crying so hard, so anyway when I finally went to sleep the pillow case scratched my cornea very bad. I now have to wear a patch on the eye. And the surgery did not work I am in worse pain. where yesterday I was to the point of ending it. It was one of those days I was feeling sorry for my self. But I still wanted to workout even though I am in so much pain I am beside myself. Now I slobber on myself and when I eat I have food all over my face because I can't feel it. But the doctor told me today no working out for awhile. I worked so hard to get everything thing in shape, but I am down to 93 pounds because it hurts to bad to open my mouth to eat. I have oatmeal 3 times a day. I still get up everyday and clean and do what I can, to try and keep so normacie in my life. sorry this is so long I just need to vent. They still don't know if I will ever be out of pain. It is nerves in your face that just go haywire. I am dietermined though not to get addicted to pain medicine. But my doctor tells me not worry about that right now. I find out next week when I get to workout again. Thanks for letting me vent, I am not going to lay on my heating pad and hope to get some relieve. And hope tomorrow I will wake up with a great attitude and less pain.
So sorry you aren't feeling well.

Is it possible to find a website or chat board that may explain Trigeminal neuralgia a bit more or that you could make contact with others who have gone through the same thing.

It may help.

I hope you get back to being able to workout again soon - are you allowed to take walks? Maybe being outside in the fresh air getting some easy exercise will help?

Keep us posted and please don't apologize for venting - it helps us all ;-)
Hang in there. It sounds like you are having quite a time and for that I am so sorry. Your doc is right, take your meds for the pain, and then find some second,third and even fourth opinions. While I do not understand what has happened to you, I do know that you need to feel empowered and in control of it and its outcome in some kind of way.,
Time for you to take charge of your health and get some answers. I believe they are out there and pray and affirm you have already found relief from this.:) Hugs.
I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through all this! What an awful time for you! Know that you'll be better soon!!! Hugs! :)

Please take care of yourself. I'm sorry that you have to go through all this! I truly hope that you get better soon!! Hugs to you!
Sorry to hear about the rough time you're experiencing. I hope you're feeling better soon!!! Don't be too hard on yourself for not being able to work out...you'd be surprised how quickly you can get back to where you were once you're back on your feet. I agree with the suggestion to take walks if you can; just getting outside and moving around might help you feel better, and help you take care of your body. Good luck...wishing all the best for you!
thanks to you all for your support. today has been another bad day. I do get my 10,000 steps in everyday. I clean the house. I wuld have to walk at night because of my eye, and the evenings are to hetic. today I just wanted to lay in the bed I hurt so bad, but I got alot done today. I have done alot of research on this condition, and there is really not much you can do. I am really down this evening. I had just got those tapes in that everyone had been talking about that was on hsn. Oh well I will get to do them soon. I also watch alot of the old comedies that brings my spirits up. Again thank you all for your support.
>And the surgery did not
>work I am in worse pain. where yesterday I was to the point
>of ending it.

(((HUGS))) I am so sorry you are living out this nightmare. It sounds as though the pain has become excruciating. Still, you are doing your best to remain active and positive. I so admire that. What a great idea to watch the comedy routines. I hope they are helping lift your spirits. What about getting some spa services?

That being said...Under the circumstances, I think you need help in getting through this. Your comment above is what alarms me. Please talk to your doctor or another professional about this, and hang in there!

You have our support and good wishes.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/wavesmile.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Thank you for your support.... Today was another scary day for me. I did think again today I can't do this another day, just give me one hour of relief. I am going to contact my doctor tomorrow if I feel like this in the morning. I did tell his nurse the other day I wanted to just jump off a bridge, I did not get a call back. Imagine feeling like you are having a severe earache, toothache, jaw pain and a patch on your eye and slobbering on yourself. This goes on non stop. But I still get up and maintain a day. I cleaned, moped etc... I will get through this, thanks for your support.
Maybe it is time to switch doctor's offices. I don't think they are giving you the support you need.

It sounds like absolute hell. Thoughts are with you. Stay strong!

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