I tried to share Cathe with friends


Had to share my pain! I have a group of friends who rotate babysitting and go to the gym here on the army post we live on. We are lucky to have access to an aerobic room with a tv and vcr/dvd player, so if I don't feel like hitting the treadmill and machines, I can always bring Cathe. I believe I had Timesaver with me and talked my friends (who were less than impressed with the Denise Austin they started) into trying the 1st wo on the dvd, so convinced that my half committed to exercise friends would understand my adoration for working out at home and this woman named Cathe after giving her a try. Well, friends, long story short, they couldn't get through the warm up and called me crazy and asked if anybody had Sweatin to the Oldies!! I had such plans. We would do entire Cathe rotations together and I would have 5 Cathe converts with whom to share my little Cathe obsession. No such luck. Anyone try to share this fantastic Cathe discovery with friends and family with cool reception instead of the enthusiastic and profuse thanks you were expecting? Hmmm.....maybe when the beginner/intermediate dvd's come along?
Hi Jackie! I had to chuckle....I sent my DH up to the room, by himself, to do Cathe's PS upper body one night. After about 20 minutes, I heard the shower and thought it odd that he would be done. He came downstairs and said, "that lady is insane!" (She totally kicked his behind!) I couldn't help but laugh, afterall, DH is a pretty strong, muscular guy, even though he doesn't workout. From then on, for a while, I would spot him and discovered he wasn't breathing...poor thing. Now he has no problems and feels thoroughly worked out!

Do try again when you receive the beg/int workouts.

Take care,

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