I need some help choosing a new DVD, please

I have decided to order Cathe's new beg/int step and stability ball strength DVD. I hemmed and hawed a bit because I didn't want to admit to myself that I'm just not ready for her more advanced workouts. You all motivate and challenge me so much that I want to push myself...but I realize that I have to go at my own pace and enjoy the process. :)

However, I do want to take advantage of the free shipping for Cathe's non-preorder DVDs. Here are the workouts that I already have:

Basic Step + Body Fusion
The Classic Vol 1
Pyramid Upper (taped from FitTV)
Pyramid Lower (taped from FitTV)
Legs & Glutes (taped from FitTV)
a couple of Core Max
a couple of StretchMax (both from FitTV)
Imax2 and Imax1 (from FitTV)

I have a few other w/o's that I recorded from FitTV, but they are too choppy for my taste now. I've become a bit of a snob about having a complete Cathe workout. LOL :p With the exception of the Pyramids and L&G- all that's missing from them are the either the w/u's or c/d's.

I have been thinking about getting Imax2/C&W or KPC/L&G. Now I'm not sure if either of those are the best fit for me. x( I've got ALOT of step workouts- which I enjoy- but my knees need a break a couple times a week. I'm interested in KPC, but I'm happy with my FitTV L&G. I wish I could get KPC with a full body weight workout...

It seems to me that maybe what I really "need" is a full body weight workout- other than Pyramids. I don't want to build alot of muscle, but rather gain endurance. Which DVD do you suggest? I'm at an intermediate level. Then again....I'm ordering the new stability ball strength. Maybe that will fill this gap, and I should go with KPC instead.

Ack! Help! :7 :p

Thanks in advance, as always!

Connie :D
From what you've listed, I'd go with your inclination to get the KPC / L&G DVD. Not only are there two very good stand-alone workouts as produced, there are a ton of premixes built into this disc that would be wonderful. The core / ab routine on KPC incorporates the stability ball a lot, AND a weight is brought in to increase intensity even more, so you can utilize your med ball as well.

If you lean toward a full-body workout, consider Muscle Max from the new Hard Core series.

I do think, however, that the workouts taped from Fit-TV need to be replaced with The Real DVD's. There is so much that you're missing, from each and every workout you've listed, by not having the DVDs that it's a bit of a pity.


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