Today is the day I find out if my SIL is pregnant. She had invitro on 2/13 and today is the day she goes in for bloodwork to see if she is pregnant. I really hope so. I never realized how much a woman has to go through before and even after the invitro process. Before she could have her eggs harvested she had to take 4 big shots a day in the rear end and she even had an allergic reaction to the medication, but they could not substitute it with another medication. However now since the implantation she only has to take 1 shot of Progesterone in the rump at night and this will continue for another 4 more weeks if she is pregnant. I must be the biggest wimp but I would absolutely hate that, but I guess it will be worth it all if she is pregnant. Please keep your fingers crossed for her.
Have a great day!
Have a great day!