I know I shouldn't let it bother me but....


I was at the ob last night and this is the 2nd time a comment was made about how much weight I have gained. Granted, the first time they mentioned this to me I felt it was justified coz I ate like a pig during my first trimester and gained 10 pounds in an instant! lol But then last night he said it was a bit much since the last visit. I probably eat more than I normally would but I'm not PIGGING out and I'm exercising 6 days a week! I really wonder what this ob group is thinking! NO ONE (family or friends) has ever said anything to me about the extra weight coz I really don't have any and I know my mom atleast would be honest with me if she thought I was getting chunky coz she knows I'm concerned about that! I have a belly and I swear that is all I have, ladies! What is going on here? I have gained 25 pounds and I'm in my 26th week...It may sound like a lot...it does to me...but I really don't look it! Should I just forget what the docs say if I feel good about how I look?

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Oh Wendy I'm sorry to hear that your OB is making you feel bad for no reason! I just checked my little pregnancy booklet from my last pregnancy (since right now I'm only 23 weeks and can't yet compare) and at 26 weeks I had gained exactly 26 lbs! And all my doctors ever said was that my weight gain was just fine and not a concern. So this is not you, it's THEM. You're doing just fine, and although I know it's hard to hear, please try not to take it to heart.

FOOEY ON HIM! I say forget what the docs say unless you are at some kind of health risk. I gained 40 pounds the first time around and I bet I will gain that amount this time around as well. I've already gained 5 pounds. My doctor was never concerned that I had gained that much weight even though I was borderline for gestational diabetes. Take it with a grain of salt. Didn't our beloved Cathe gain about 39 pounds while pregnant. (I'll have to double check that number, but I do remember it was the high 30's.) At least you are exercising and making an effort. That is more than a lot of woman I know did while pregnant. Besides you will lose the baby weight afterwards.

Hugs going your way!
Thank you, Ladies!

From everything I have heard, a 30-40 pound weight gain seems quite common these days....unless the doc is thinking I'm headed beyond that point? Hmmmm...who knows. Well, I just won't worry about it as long as I continue to exercise and don't hog out and I think I look okay. To heck with the ob! He's just a dr...what does he know anyway!?!? lol HE never had a baby, right? :p :p :p

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


I have 2 kids and I certainly gained more than 40 pounds with each one of them. The first one was a severe water weight and the second one was water weight but I had a lot of fluids in my leg from a knee injury while pregnant. My dr wasn't that concerned about my weight gain with the second one but my first she was because it is a sign of different things. I had no diseases from the pregnancy either. I think it's a possibility the dr is concerned because during your last month of pregnancy, women gain the most weight because the baby grows FAST, gains more weight, your breasts are filled with milk, etc getting ready to nurse the baby. It's a good possibility you have a water retention. Keep exercising. It helps A LOT. I didn't exercise much with my first. (BIG BIG BIG mistake) with my second, I worked out and hardly gained weight during the 1st and most of the second trimester. Then all of sudden, I gained all this weight because I couldn't walk. Pregnant women do hold a lot of water. Don't listen to your dr. too much but if you do have some health problems while pregnant, then it's a different story. You sound like a strong, healthy momma to me! :D

Thanks for sharing and for the advice, Lisa. :)

I just wish docs would explain themselves after they say things like that, ya know?!

My sister gained a whopping 80 pounds with her first child...that will NOT happen to me!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



I just wanted to echo everyone elses comments. It's the Dr not you! If you are eating right and exercising then you are on the right track to having a healthy baby! Try not to focus on the number on the scale and just focus on how your body feels.

Ditto to what everyone else has said. Don't let what the dr said bother you. You are doing more in your pregnancy then most non-pregnant people do (meaning exercise & healthy eating) so kudos to you.
Wendy, Cathe herself...

... gained 39 pounds, I believe, with Kyle.

'Nuff said?? ;-)

Don't sweat it. You're healthy, you're strong, and your body needs a lot of fuel to feel baby and six workouts a week. Keep the eating as clean as you can and I am CONFIDENT you'll be just fine!!!!!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/sport/sport-smiley-001.gif
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days 19/39/365 (the ankle is ALMOST healed! :))
RE: Oops, typo!

LOL Kathy...I never even noticed the typo when I originally read your post...I must have read it as I thought it was supposed to read...you know how that will happen? But you are certainly right...I FEEL the baby AND the work outs! And I love feeling them both! :D

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: Oops, typo!

I agree with everyone too on this, Wendy. At 30 weeks, I've gained 32 pounds as of today (I was at Dr's today). My doc only commented when I gained 9 pounds in one month, but since it has been steady, and I swear my eating habits haven't changed too much (Except a few days last X-mas of course!).

I'm amazed that you keep your 6-day workouts!:7

Take care,

Jennifer V
RE: Oops, typo!

Hi Jennifer.

I guess I am lucky that I feel so good that I can keep up with my 6 day per week work out schedule. I definately was slackin' during the first trimester though. I was sooo tired, I was lucky to get a work out in every other day and THAT was a struggle like you can not imagine! lol After that subsided though (knock on wood!), I have been feeling pretty good ever since! I definately have my aches, my pains, my heartburn (HATE IT!lol)but most of those really affect me during the night when I'm in bed and when I first get up in the morning. After that they subside for the day....and I still have energy (some how!?) so I'm good to go for my work outs...I just modify everything to low impact and avoid laying flat on my back unless it's to stretch for just a few minutes.

I have made up my mind NOT to worry about my weight coz I wasn't worried about it until the doc said something! I think I look pretty freakin' good for being 25 weeks pregnant so :p on the doc! lol

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: Oops, typo!

I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain. I was a "big gainer" with my 1st 2 and lost all of the weight. I'm averaging ~ 1# per week with this one (including the 1st trimester) and my OB isn't concerned.

32 weeks
RE: Oops, typo!

Hi Michele,

An average of a pound per week is what I seem to be doing as well..in fact, that seems very common. I think my OB just has very strict ideas on weight gain...I guess to a point each doctor weighs in (no pun intended! lol) his own personal opinnion when coming up with the range for thier patients which is why alot of docs say different things.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: Oops, typo!


i agree with the rest of the boards. it's for this very reason women are dieting while pregnant. how crazy. i know women (even celebrities) who have gained 40lbs and more and after they deliver their child they loose the baby weight with healthful eating and exercise. i truly believe you are fine. please try not to worry about what your dr. has said. esp. since he is not saying it's a health threat....

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