I just ran my first 10K!

Just wanted to let everyone know that yesterday I ran my first 10K. I ran it in 58 minutes. I really felt like I could have ran it faster but "Aunt Flow" decided to pay a visit on race day.

Yes, it does effect my exercise performance, I can still exercise, but not at my best ability!

Remember when girls were "excussed" from p.e. because of it?

Does it effect any of you?
High five Natalie! What a thrill to run your first 10k, especially under less than ideal conditions.

I try to tell myself it doesn't affect me but I am sluggish on that first day. It's like I have invisible weights on my arms and legs.

Enjoy your accomplishment! Kath
Whooppee! What a fantastic feeling that must be!! Congratulations! :-jumpy

Oh yeah: tired tired tired, lack of dexterity in my fingers (!), SLUGGISH--hows that for an effect??

Congratulations on your race!

I remember those days too when girls were excused. I even tried sitting out ONCE in 7th grade but was so bored just watching that I never sat out again. It was a great excuse for those that hated PE though.

And I do get sluggish at that time, too.

[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
RE: Congratulations on your race!

Congrats!! I am working my way there, and yes, as a matter of fact this morning I felt like I had no energy and actually got winded because I was so drained, but I finished my route. : )

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