I impressed myself! But my pants are tight!


Good Monday morning! I set myself a challenge today to do MIC - modified. It was challenging, but I got through just fine. This has been a staple of my workouts for 2 years, and the last time I did it about a month ago I figured it would not make it back in until well after the baby is born. The main change I made was to lower my step to 6", and just generally try to keep the impact moves gentle and controlled; small bounces rather than big leaps. So, I was proud of that.

On the other side of the coin, I have been wearing a size 6 pant for a couple of years (thank you, Cathe), but I have just had to open the button on my size 8 jeans. This is the transitional phase between not-pregnant-looking, and very-pregnant-looking where you just look like you've gained 10 pounds, and it's too early for maternity clothes. Basically, in another week, I'm not going to have anything to wear! It's probably inappropriate to wear sweat pants to committee meetings, isn't it? LOL

EDD: 03/27/05
Sandra, sounds like you are doing great. I remember how annoying that transitional phase was. I went to thrift stores and kmart and bought some bigger sizes and pants with elastics. You may also want to try old navy as they have some better fitted maternity clothes that may work for you now. I remember being happy around the 6 th or 7 th month when I could finally wear my maternity clothes.
Thanks for the suggestions Shopaholic! I definitely intend to try Old Navy, but thought maybe it was still too early. I'll give them a look-see this week some time. I tried on some maternity pants that a friend lent me, and I am swimming in them! I think I feel fatter than I look :)

Take care,
Hi Sandra! I am due on March 31st (possibly April 1st)with my first baby. I'm not sure how far along you are, but your story sounds like mine, except for the MIC part (I've been so damn tired I haven't done much of anything this past week). But, wow, what a workout to do!!!

Anyway, I went to Motherhood lastweek, and I bought two pairs of pants that don't look like they are maternity, and I could wear them right now if I wanted to. The one pair is black bootcut pants (for $19), and I bought a pair of flat front jeans (can't tell at all that they are maternity)-they were a little more. But, I know I will wear these a lot. I am a teacher, and this was my first week back to school. I didn't wear any maternity clothes yet (my friends lent me a lot too, but I also swim in them-especially the tops). I was so uncomfortable on Thursday (I wore a regular jean skirt), and yesterday I didn't feel quite ready to wear the mat. jeans (I know there is no turning back once I give in:) ) And, boy was I ever sorry. During lunch, I had to button AND unzip my pants. Luckily my friend reminded me to button and zip them before I had to pick up my kids after lunch. Now for some advice...

I had asked for some suggestions of where to get maternity clothes a few weeks ago. I did check out ebay, and got some tanktops for $1.99 (one is mimi and one is motherhood)-that way I can still wear button down shirts that I have, but leave them open. I have also checked out a used kids store down the street from me. They also have maternity clothes on consignment. The pants are $6/tops are $3-5. I don't know if there are any of those in your area, but they are worth a try.

I know what you mean about being in that awkward stage, though. I feel like I look a lot heavier than I was pre-preg., but I am not big enough to show. And, I feel really silly going into those maternity places because they have no clue that I am pregnant-I seem like an "eager preg. lady" all excited to buy clothes-but I, like you, needed to get some clothes that don't squish my belly.

Good luck!
p.s. I just bid on a lot of maternity clothes on an impulse (on ebay). I will tell my husband it was my hormones that made me do it}(
Thanks for the advice on clothes, Jen. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and I'm not sure if we have a Motherhood around here. I'll check it out and see. Yes, we have consignment shops, which reminds me that I should bring all my maternity clothes in from my first pregnancy, as they are all lovely summer dresses that will be completely useless to me this time around. I am in the complete opposite season this time! I'm also glad to hear that I'm not the only one with waistband problems at this stage of the game, ha ha! The books make it sound like I shouldn't be outgrowing my clothes this early, but reality says otherwise.

I'm sure the maternity store people get the eager preg. lady all the time - and they should be glad of it! She's the one who's going to let her enthusiasm make all the purchasing decisions - hang the cost!! :)

It's funny how those pregnancy hormones can make you do impulsive things. I keep telling my husband that "Baby wants Prada", but he just rolls his eyes and walks away.......

Take care,
Oh good, I'm not the only one!

I'm only at six weeks, but my pants aren't fitting the same way. It's like I feel continuously bloated. Retaining water makes me feel larger, and yet no one else can tell that I've gained weight or that my waist is getting wider (except for my mother!)

So now I'm into pants that have an elastic waist, and more looser fitting pants. Next month when it gets a lot cooler I can wear my comfy corduroys and sweaters - I can't wait!

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