I have to tell you about my dinner tonight!


Ok, this may not seem like a big deal to you all, but since I have decided I am not going to purge anymore, I have not ordered pizza since this is one of my trigger foods. Well, my DH is out of town and the kinddos wanted pizza. I stopped at 1 1/2 slices of thin crust w/grilled chicken on it and then ate some steamed veggies. THis is the first time in probobly 15 years tha i did not throw up pizza. I have you all to thank because of all of your kind words and support!!! THank you :)
THank you all!!! Youa re go wonderful!!!! I can't tell anyone about this and it feels so good not to feel judged!!!!!
That is SOOOO great. We are very proud!!! Keep posting these accomplishments for us so we can celebrate with you!!!!
It is definitely a big deal and you should feel very proud of yourself! AWESOME JOB!!! Congratulations on staying in control!!


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