I Hate Cardio - June 22nd


Good Morning -

Another rushed morning for me - I woke up at 6:25, at least that is better than 7. I am going for a 30 min run today, hopefully I can make it the whole 30 min without walking. But it is pretty hot and humid out right now, so it is not looking likely.

Jana - How is the knee doing?

Michele and Kate - Feeling any better?

Dana - What is up with you? Busy?

Alright I am out the door for my run. Another very busy day at work today, yuck.

Editted to say: I ran the whole 30 min! (well, more like 28, my running watch is still broken so I had to guess my time and it was around 28-29 min when I got back).
Hey guys-

Yeah Diane! Awesome job on the run!!! It is so hot already out there and uh nasty. I do not care much for this time of the year, it just gets hotter and hotter from here on out. I think in August we will be melted from the heat and humidity. Yuck! At least we had a nice winter this year! Again, great job on the run!!

Well, ok so yesterday I was about to scratch my skin off around where the pain pump was insterted in the knee, so I called the Dr thinking it might be infected, had to go in turns out I am alergic to the tape........My poor knee is red and welted up around the tape area. However on a brighter note, my Dr said it was healing very well and he is very happy with the results so far. Also told me to hop on the bike and try to start working it. We talk rehab next week. He told me it was one of the worse knees he had seen on a 28 year old, so...lesson learned....if it hurts get it looked at! Don't play through the pain!

Moving right along. How is everyone? Michele, any updates on the back. Any clearance to get moving again?
Dana...Dana, calling Dana...are you out there?? We miss you!!! Hope you are doing good!!!
August, still on the floor from the blasts right;)
Hope you are great!

Kate, how are you feeling? Any better?

Ok, I have got to run, busy day today!

Check back in later
Holey Moley--where is everybody!?!?!?!?!!?

I've had the day from hell. First off, I had to take DH to work again today. His car was serviced last week but they needed a part that didn't come in until yesterday so he had to drop his car off again and I'm stuck hauling him around. I don't mind it at all, it's just that I wasn't informed until the last minute and I hate surprise attacks. He works pretty far from home so it takes a sizable chunk out of my day when I have to drive him. After I got home I received 2 separate and looooooong phone calls that took up the entire morning. THEN I discovered that I lost my internet connection so I had to deal with that. I just finished a bunch of errands and I still haven't showered, so I need to hurry here.

Diane, congratulations on completing your 30 min run. That's fantastic!! I don't know how you managed it in that Texas heat.

Janjan, oooohhhh, tape allergy!! I'm allergic to adhesive tape, too. Hey, maybe we're related:7. I'm glad the doc gave you a good report. I'm glad that he's given you the green light for some cardio but don't over do it, ya hear!?

Kate--where are you, Kate!? Are you stuck in a cardio DVD feedback loop? Did you rust out your innards with iron supplements? :p :7 (just kiddin:* )

Hi August! Are you working hard? We miss you:*

Dana--we miss you, too. I figure it's been hard for you to get on the forums since the internet crackdown at work. I hope you can check in soon because we need you:*

We all need each other:+
Hey guys,

Just checking in to say hello........and to tell you that I woke up last night........with pain in my knees!!!!!!!!! I've been having very, very slight discomfort in them since starting doing lunges and squats and stuff, but I've been more and more aware of my knees when sitting or standing up after squatting down (just during normal daily squatting ;) ).

Could this be sympathy pains for you, Janjan? (Hey, glad to hear that your knee is healing better albeit a...tape allergy?!...anyway, great that the doctor gave you an okay for some cardio, yeah!)

I actually wrote some questions about knees on some other threads but I was ignored ;( ;( ;( :)-( )

:)-) )

I mean, do people do squats and lunges and step and stuff and not feel ANY discomfort in their knees whatsoever? Could I be doing something wrong?
Hey August!!!
Ok, here is the test. Sit down on a chair or couch something where you can look at your knee caps. You need to be sitting with you knees bent on the chair or couch. When you do that take a peek at your knee caps and look to see if they face outward.

In the mean time, stop doing heavy weights with lunges and squats and NO step for a few days. Follow the RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevlate). Take a bag of frozen peas or ice bag and ice your knees. Might also want to take some advil or alieve to help the pain.

After you look at your knees give me an update.
August, I'm sorry your knees are giving you fits. I did a search for your post in the Ask Cathe forum and found your question about squat form, and here's my nonexpert advice. When you squat, you should maintain alignment of your spine, keep your weight on your heels and your back as upright as possible. Obviously, you have to lean forward a little, but try to stay lifted in the chest. If you still have pain, don't squat all the way down to 90 degrees. If these measures fail, try wall squats with a stability ball for awhile and see if that helps.

As for lunges, I think forward lunges are the hardest on your knees. I believe backward lunges are a little kinder. Static lunges kill me. I've been known to do walking lunges with a dowl rod or something for the extra support and to help maintain good form.

You might want to try posting on the Open Discussion forum, too. I'm sure somebody there will have some ideas. The main thing is not to do anything that causes pain or undue stress.

You take care of yourself, you hear!!

Where IS everybody!?!?!?

My knees are pointing outwards! Is that good or is that bad?! LOL.

Waaaa it's bad, isn't it! Waaaaa!

I'll be happy to stop with the lunges and squats. In fact, I hate leg days.

And of course I'm currently doing the Butts and Guts rotation. I've got Gym Style Legs tomorrow. Hmm. Maybe I should switch it to Bar Method which I haven't done in AGES.

The pain is actually not going on when I'm doing normal things. I'm just aware of a slight pressure when I stand up from sitting, or squat down to pick something up (and then standing up from there - I've been putting my hands on the floor or my thighs to give me some leverage lately). This also includes of course, sitting down on the Throne x( .

Also, if I sit on the floor with my legs bent up for a while, I'll feel the need to stretch them out (when before I didn't really). But I have no pain just sitting in a chair, or going up and down stairs, or dancing around (like I ever dance), or doing my kickbox or anything like that.

But waking up last night and feeling discomfort in my knees sort of worried me.

I can't wait to hear what you tell me about "outties"!
Michele - go to sleep! We need to have good sleep tonight! If you don't, I won't! :7

Oh my gosh, you looked up my pitifully ignored posts? You're sweet. Thank you for the suggestions. I'm fairly sure that's what I do when I squat, but I'll make more certain when I do them next. Thank you.

I guess it's hanging some on what Dr. Janjan advises...:)
Okay August, I'm going to bed right now, this very minute!! Actually, I'm wiped out from all this flinging boogie stuff:7 :7. I also caught Kates cold, or whatever she has. I've been coughing like a maniac. It has sort of a barking quality to it. Anyway, I coughed all night last night and barely slept at all. ;(

Okay, I'm going, I'm going.

Oh hey Mel!! I just talked to you in the other thread and I see you weren't listening because you were over here trying to stir up trouble:p :7 :7

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