I Hate Cardio - July 21st


Hi Ladies -

I woke up this morning! It is a miracle. I am going to really be feeling it today, seeing as I only got 5 hrs of sleep. But oh well, I will be working out. I am going to do the floorwork from GS Legs and PLB (well, we will see if I can) and then abs.

We have such a busy weekend ahead of us. Tonight we have SIL coming over for dinner at our house. Then my parents are coming to stay the night at around 9:30. They are going to Lake Charles for a short vacation and stopping through Houston to have a shorter drive tomorrow (and I guess to see me too). Then on Saturday we have an afternoon wedding and have DH's friend spending the night both Saturday and Sunday. On top of all of this, I have two work assignments due Sunday and another partner called me yesterday and said "are you available this weekend, I need you to do blah blah blah over the weekend to finish by Monday." So I will be having a guest stay over every night this weekend and have about 16 hours of work to do. EEK!

So I did all my cleaning yesterday instead of Saturday (had DH help out, and now he realizes all the stuff I do each week, and he only had 2 chores!!), DH will do the grocery shopping so I can work, and I will just have to work all day Sunday and ignore our guest. It will be crazy.
Hey everyone,

Diane, you were up early this morning! I think you were up before me! Good job....but ohh only 5 hours of sleep? x( Thats not fun!
Sounds like a real crazy weekend for you! Looks like you have your hands full with guests and work. Try to stay sane some how in all of it!!!
How was your workout?

Michele-How is the A/C doing? Any better? Any sleep last night? Did you do your LIS yesterday? What is on tap for you this weekend?

Dana-Super woman A.K.A.! How much more weight have you lost?? You are going to fly away before you know it!

Kate-, Kate, oh Kate...still doing cardio...oh wait I hope not it's only 5:40 for you and ohh that is toooo early for cardio. You know I added in some more low fat dairy to my diet and I lost 2 more lbs this week.....I think it might be a good thing.....hhhmmmmm.....any more success for you??? I just eat it as a snack and it is quite filling. Taste yummy too!

August, I was looking for you last night, you were a no-show! Where in the heck are you? I know eating barley right! haha!

Ok, I have got to run. Today is quite busy for me. I need to finish my paper, get dressed, go meet DH for lunch and then go shopping! Yeah shopping!!! Diane, sneak out of work and come shopping with me at the Galleria!! hehe!!! I am going to call my other friend and drag her out of her house to come with me, she just does not know it yet!

I have got to finish this paper...bad girl has been draggin a** on it and I need to get over that!

Ok, I will try to check back in later.

You guys have a great day!
Ooh shopping sounds fun! I haven't been in forever. If I wasn't going to try to finish my projects that are due Sunday today, I may actually go. Fridays are usually a good day for me to skip out of work early (early as in 5). My clothes is not fashionable and everyone at work wears trendy clothes. I just don't want to buy new outfits and accessories every season, so exhausting to keep up with. So I just decided to be "classic" and not go with the trends :) But I am always up for buying more classic clothes :) Although it almost seems pointless to buy and new clothes now, seeing as I will start TTC in a few months and who knows if that clothes with EVER fit again. I know many people whose hips just grew and they never went back to the same size again. So I guess I can only buy tops for here on out.

Michele - Whats the situation with the humidity? Was it any better last night, did you get some sleep again?

Jana - Finish your paper!

Editted: Oh, and by the way, I updated my picturetrail with pics of Sadie and Gracie (those are the names we picked). Y'all have probably seen them all already.

I slept really well last night and it's FINALLY cooling off around here. It's so much more comfortable--what a relief! My house has felt pretty cozy for a day or 2 now, on the 1st floor at least, ever since we changed the fan setting, but I have been told that that indicates the system is oversized for our house:-( x( .

I never did my work out yesterday--I know--really bad. I'm doing it this morning for sure--either LIS or Body Fusion. I'm expecting an exterminator sometime today as well, to remove a GIGANTIC hornets nest from my dogwood tree. It's right by my garage door and I'm worried about them getting in the house. Also, my lawn guy is deathly allergic to bee stings so I want the nest out of here for his well being.

Diane, you won't believe it! I looked at your picture trail and I was blown away because, not only do your kitties look exactly as mine did at that age, they were born about the same time!! Mine were born on April 1st, 1996. I lost my Frankie about 3 years ago, but Johnny is still with me and as cute, cuddly, and playful as ever. I was lol because we always tell our Johnny that he looks like Yoda. I mean, are we on parallel universes or what?

Janjan, finish your paper--lol! No shopping for you until your papaer is done.

Kate, August, Dana--what's happening?

I have to go and get a few things done around here.:)
Michele - Johnny is beautiful, I can't wait to have two old snuggly cats someday. Kittens are fun, but as they get older and become part of the family, that is when the real fun begins.
Soo...I got my necklace back. It is really lovely, except...

I can't actually wear it. It is just put together with no way to put it on or take it off, and there is no way it will fit over my head. Man, I am so disappointed because it looks great.

Editted: YEAH!! It works. I had just never seen a clasp like the before. It is just a bar and it slides apart, doesn't really look like a normal clasp. I will have to send pics of my creation.
Hi guys,

I was out alllllll day yesterday and will be out of town again this weekend.

Diane - Geez, that does sound like a bit of a full weekend for you, urgh! Ignore your guests. LOL. You should trick them and say, "hey, you guys ever played fling before?" Oh, hey, that's great that the necklace you "made" LOL turned out to be nice and that you figured out the clasp.

Jana - Oh you know I'm eatin' my barley! I'm nearly done with the batch I froze. The package of barley that was sold at the health store was tiny - I used one cup of it and there appears to be maybe 1/2 cup left, if not less than that. Anyway, I missed "chatting" with you. So how did the shopping go? Anything good? Did you find some jeans for me?

Michele - So good to hear that the house temp is getting better and better. What a friggen relief! Oh funny, I was just reading your post about not doing your workout and then read what you wrote as : "I never did my work out yesterday--I know--really bad. I'm doing it this morning for sure--either LIS or Body Fusion. I'm expecting to do exterminator sometime today as well..." And I thought, "Oh, The Exterminator must be one of those compilation workouts that I don't have." LMAO. I must be sleepy. Your gardener is deathly allergic to bee stings? Isn't that like working in a candy factory and being allergic to sugar? You know, I've never been stung by a bee.

On that note, I've got to do a little packing and cram in PUB.

Have a nice weekend!

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