Hi! I had my first u/s this morning, and am finally feeling genuinely excited about this pregnancy! This is actually the exact day that I started spotting and miscarried my last pregnancy, so to have an u/s sound today and see the little one moving around so vigorously was a *hugh* relief. I didn't realize how stressed I was feeling during this first trimester, until I saw the baby today and saw her (his?) little heartbeat clipping along at a good 161 bpm (doing a Cathe workout maybe LOL!), and the little arms and legs flailing around. I didn't expect the baby to be so clearly formed at this early date, so that was a pleasant surprise, too.
The ultrasound put the baby at 3.97cm (about 1 3/4 in) in length, which the technician tells me means s/he is 10 weeks, 5 days. Since I *know* when I ovulated, I know that the baby cannot possibly be more than 10 weeks, 2 days. Ergo, it looks like this one is already going to be on the large side, like his/her big sister!! Oh dear....
I also cheated a bit and only drank half the water. This made the entire experience a *whoooole* lot more comfortable for me, and the technician told me that my bladder was still very full. So, I must have a pretty small bladder!
EDD Sept 18/05 (no matter what the u/s says!
The ultrasound put the baby at 3.97cm (about 1 3/4 in) in length, which the technician tells me means s/he is 10 weeks, 5 days. Since I *know* when I ovulated, I know that the baby cannot possibly be more than 10 weeks, 2 days. Ergo, it looks like this one is already going to be on the large side, like his/her big sister!! Oh dear....
I also cheated a bit and only drank half the water. This made the entire experience a *whoooole* lot more comfortable for me, and the technician told me that my bladder was still very full. So, I must have a pretty small bladder!
EDD Sept 18/05 (no matter what the u/s says!