I feel like Cinderella today!

Today I feel as if I have cleaned up 3 houses. For some reason I feel like doing deep cleaning before I go on vacation. For some reason when I come back, I want even the hidden stuff in my house to be clean. I look like sh*t about right now. And the kids are also walking around like they have been through boot camp. I've done stuff that I 've wanted to do for a while. I finally realized that I hadn't chatted any with you ladies.

Just wanted you to know I cleaned my a** off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you have some sympathy for me?? Can't you see my pittiful face?


That's funny, I do the same thing. This Friday we are leaving for Cape Cod and I will clean and organize. I hate to admit this but in the back of my head I want my house to be nice just in case I die while away on vacation. Must hide my viabrator real well and make sure my underwear drawer is up to par....I'm nuts, I know.


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