Michele S

I just got done placing my order for P90X and I can't wait to get started! I billed my credit card for a one time payment, so hopefully I'll have my DVDs relatively soon. Thanks to all the enablers here, I don't feel the least bit guilty about my purchase...I just hope I'm not TOTALLY blown away!
I ordered on 6/14 and am waiting for my package to arrive. Anyone know how long it usually takes?? I'm getting so anxious!! }(
>I ordered on 6/14 and am waiting for my package to arrive.
>Anyone know how long it usually takes?? I'm getting so
>anxious!! }(
I heard it should take anywhere from 7 to 10 working days. However the first time I tried to order it online and I called to check on the order a few days later. I wanted to make sure my card would not be double-billed because I was having a little trouble with the process. Anyway, it turned out that when I called the company the order had not gone through. Now I called only a few days later but, I'm really anxious for mine to come too, so I was a little bummed. He just retook my order over the phone and he was very pleasant. He did say that the another customer had phoned in and their order had not went through either. So, you might want to call and check.
Thank you. I did check with them online today and my order was "shipped" on 6/18. I had a feeling that it went through since my ebates account was updated quickly.

The tracking number that he gave me doesn't work, but I will be patient since it hasn't been too long of a wait yet.:)
So did you order everything and how much did it cost can you get the tower and the DVds all for 1 price oh the bands too What exactly do you all need I go to the site and am kind of confused
Thanks Lisa
Michele: Welcome to the ranks of P90Xers!
You won't regret it. I think it's the single best fitness workout purchase I've ever made.
Today, I did Cathe's KPC (instead of P90X Kenpo...just for a change), and for the first time ever, because of P90X, I COULD DO BALL PIKES!!! I'm not as vertical as Cathe and the crew in the upper body (I felt I'd tip over if I went any farther, probably because I'm not used to the move, because I COULDN"T DO IT BEFORE P90X), but I'll get there!
Hi Kathryn!

Just wanted to thank you for all your endless replies to everyone about P90X. Your responses and enthusiasm for the system was one of the reasons that I was so anxious to get these workouts. Although, I'm a bit scared...I never realized that there was a pullup bar in my basement from the previous owners. I tried one last night and I just hung there...I couldn't even begin to pull myself up, so I'm sure this is going to be something to work for!!!:eek:
RE: Hi Kathryn!

Hi, Michele!
Yes, pull-ups are scary! I didn't even have a pull-up station until recently, but when I first watched "Chest and Back" it scared me so much I didn't get around to P90X until several weeks later! Then, I jumped in the middle of the rotation with Shoulders and Arms (less scary, though still tough and effective).

I just recently "graduated" from pulldowns with a band to pull-ups (well...ATTEMPTS at pullups, LOL!). I can do exactly 3, 1/2 repetitions of a pull-up with no help (does that make 1 1/2 actual pullups?). It makes me feel like a beginner again. And here I was feeling all macha about my progress in P90X. I can do a decent amount of pull-ups/chin-ups with chair assistance (one foot on the back of a weighted chair), but sometimes that leg gets almost as much work as my back.

But one thing P90X has taught me: if you don't try something, you'll never be able to do it. So, I'm going to valiantly plug on with the pull-ups (and supplement with band pulldowns, which still make me feel strong!). My goal is to someday do 5 with no assistance. Doesn't sound like much, but seems like a lot to me right now! Of course, I could surpass my goal someday.

But since I just started with the pullups, maybe I need to do another round of P90X with them?
You all did it too me too. I ordered P90X a few days ago as well. But with all of your great information on the discounts - I only paid $105 - so with shipping and the discount you get when buying the bands with them - the total was right at the normal full price of $150. So I feel pretty good about that too. Can't wait to get them - but scared to start... hehe...

Hi Michele! Good for you for your purchase & joining the rest of us! The first week be prepared to be really sore & make sure you eat a little bit more protein & get plenty of rest because your going to need it!!!:eek: I've been seeing such GREAT results so far (mind you its been only 3 weeks) but my arms look amazing (if I do say so myself! Ha!) as well as my abs; their finally getting flatter & more defined. The Ab Ripper X is one very TOUGH workout but does get much better the more you do it. I did last night Legs & Back but decided to do first most of the exercises from Cathe's new DVD High Step Training. I must say it was EASY!!!! I never thought I would ever say that about Cathe! I then went & did Tony's Legs & Back to completion. I have some serious DOMS going on today! Good luck & welcome aboard w/all of us! Kathy:D

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