How many fat grams per day?


Active Member
Hi everyone,
Seeking advice here. I'm trying to get more fat into my diet, but in a healthy way. It is just so confusing all the information that you hear!:eek: I usually am good with eating fruits and vegetables as well as plenty of fiber and protein. It's just that I had this mentality that fat is bad, (still trying to fight it) so I'm really trying hard to incorporate the good fats, like olive oil, peanut oil, etc. Just wanting to know from all of you educated ones (I've already learned so much from this forum :) ) how much fat is healthy? I recently read on a that you are supposed to multiply your weight by 0.45 to figure out the grams. Is this correct? Sorry for all the questions, just really needing some answers here as well as personal experiences. I know trans fat is really bad :-( and that sat. fat should be limited, but anything you guys can offer will be soooo appreciated. Thank you in advance :) :) You guys are so helpful!!:) :)
From what I have read, the number of fat grams that you need to consume will depend on the number of calories you take in in a day. I think you don't want to extend past 30% fat in your diet. There are quite a few diets out there that are 40% carb, 30% protein, & 30% fat. Sorry I'm not much help, but I'm sure there are others here that can give you a lot more info than I.
Hi Fitprincess,

I'm going to attempt this one...

Let's say you are planning on eating about 1800 calories per day and want your diet to be about 20% fat. First, multiply 1800 by 0.20 to get 360 calories. So, you aim for 360 of your calories to be fat. To convert the calories to grams, divide 360 by 9, because fat has approximately 9 calories per gram. You'd then arrive at 40 grams of fat per day.

1. Target calories per day *times* target fat percentage
2. Answer to #1 *divided by* 9

I tend to get around 10 or 15 percent (on good days lol). I think the highest recommended by many diets is 30%.

Hope that made sense!

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