How many calories while pregnant and nursing?

Hi ladies,

We haven't spilled the beans to our family yet, but we are expecting #2 in September. I'm 5 weeks along and still nursing our 9 month old. She is a big eater of solids and doesn't nurse much except when she wakes up.

I do Cathe cardio about 3x weekly and weights 3x weekly. Any idea how many calories I need to take care of both babies without gaining excess weight? I went a little out of control my first pregnancy... trying to avoid that. And if I don't count calories, I ALWAYS overdo it.


"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
I don't know about when you're pregnant and nursing at the same time, but when you're pregnant you need about 300 more calories a day than when you're not pregnant and when you're nursing you need about 400 more calories a day. I don't know if you would go for 400 or if you would combine the 2 and go for 700 extra. That would be nice though wouldn't it?:9 HTH

Congrats on your pregnancy! I was in a similar situation and my lactation consultant told me to add about 400 calories to allow for pregnancy and nursing. Your body will feed the baby first, then the nursling, then you so be sure you are getting plenty of vitamins and are not taking in too many empty calories. Good luck!
A friend of mine is a very respected dietitian and nutritional expert for most of the hospitals in Houston, and I asked her the same question during my pregnancies. For my body (5'3" and 120 lbs not pregnant) she recommended consuming no fewer than 1800 calories per day while pregnant and nursing. So 1800 became my goal, and that's alot of food if you're eating clean.

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