How long to get positive test result?

My period is a couple of days late, but I'm still getting a negative pregnancy test result (with a First Response home test). I figure I'll wait a week (if I can wait that long!) and test again if my period still hasn't come; but I'm wondering if anyone else out there had an experience where they didn't get a positive result until well after their period was due? What was the latest you got a positive result after first getting negatives? Anybody? I need some hope here. :)
My period is a couple of days late, but I'm still getting a negative pregnancy test result (with a First Response home test). I figure I'll wait a week (if I can wait that long!) and test again if my period still hasn't come; but I'm wondering if anyone else out there had an experience where they didn't get a positive result until well after their period was due? What was the latest you got a positive result after first getting negatives? Anybody? I need some hope here. :)

I'm officially 18 days late and still havent done a pregnancy test! I kind of tend to wait till I get some sort of symtom besides missing a period. I've have been feeling somewhat queezy, gassy, and not like myself lately. I keep saying I will go purchase a test kit, but for some reason I always put it off, I don't know if I'm scared to get negative result. But now that more days have gone by and me feeling the way that I've been feeling for the past week, I think I'm feeling prety positive. I will keep my fingers cross for you and keep you in my prayers for a posive result. Good luck to you!!!

For me, with both my pregnancies, it took me a week after my period was due to get a positve test result. I was using fairly sensitive tests, but not the really sensitive "test 5 days early" kind. I have read that several variables can be in play, when you ovulated, the length of your luteal phase, and for some women, their urine simply doesn't react w/ a certain type of testing agent used on a certain brand of pregnancy tests. Also, for other women it just takes longer for the HCG to show up/ build up in their urine. So there is still plenty of hope!

I always had symptoms, until I got that first negative test, then I talked myself "out" of being pregnant, and a week later was just testing again to confirm the negative so I could resume all normal activity :)

Good luck!

My period is a couple of days late, but I'm still getting a negative pregnancy test result (with a First Response home test). I figure I'll wait a week (if I can wait that long!) and test again if my period still hasn't come; but I'm wondering if anyone else out there had an experience where they didn't get a positive result until well after their period was due? What was the latest you got a positive result after first getting negatives? Anybody? I need some hope here. :)
Thank you for your responses. I just got my period today, so that's that for this month. In a way I'm a little relieved that it came, being that it was only 3 days late. I was starting to get worried that my cycle was getting crazy on me. That would be maddening when TTC. My hubby and I are excited to try again! Lourdes, I hope that when you test it comes back positive for you. Sending prayers and positive vibes your way! Best wishes!

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