How do you lose weight without gaining leg muscle?


New Member
I have lurked here before, but finally mustered up the courage to ask a question. I am short (5') muscular and curvy. I have a big frame for my size, so I am always trying to be smaller, not bigger. I have all the muscle that I want, I am just trying to lose that little bit of extra fat. I like to do my cardio on a Stepmill, sometimes with a weight vest, and the Cathe videos I like the most are the gym series. But it always seems that I add muscle, especially in my quads, which I really don't want. What is the best cardio to do that won't add muscle? ( I tried the step and kickboxing, and I am just so uncoordinated that I get frustrated trying to learn the moves, and I give up.)
Thanks in advance
Best cardio to lean out and lean out legs: running, or run/walking, powerwalking/kickboxing.

Don't worry about not looking pretty when you do kickboxing: I'm not that coordinated at it either, I just do it with gusto!

What you really need is circuits training and bootcamp type workouts. Minimal weight, but quick changing exercises with high reps with minimal rest between sets or exercises, that works the muscles of the lower body as much as poss but the fast pace keeps the cardio effect going.

ITA with the other response - running and kickboxing are both great for leaning out - and keep trying with the KB - it gets to be second nature if you just keep at it.

There should also be plenty of posts (find them by searching Open Discussion for "freestyle") about Freestyle training, which features a lot of lightly weighted lower body work done on several days each week. Lower body is a problem area for many women, and Freestyle seems to have worked well for lots of people. You can follow a set workout, or just do lots of workouts that hit the legs with light weight and high reps, or include kicking, plyo moves, etc.

HTH! Good luck!
IMO, ones diet has a lot to do with it.
For cardio, I agree that running or speed walking and kickboxing are good choices (good calorie burners that tone without bulking).
For weights, stick to circuit workouts (either cardio and weights mixed, or weight circuits using moderate weights).

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