how did pregnancy effect your workouts


Active Member
hi everyone,
i'm 36 and i have 3 kids. my youngest just started k this year. i definitely thought i was finished with my family but guess what! i'm pregnant. 8 weeks today, actually. i'm having some trouble with nausea this time around and i didn't the other 3 times. anyhow, how much, if any, did you all cut back on exercising. i usually work out 6 times a week for 1 - 1 1/2 hours. with cathe of course or on the treadmill for some of my cardio. i just this past year got my weight down and was fairly happy with it. i weighed 127 at my dr.s apt last week. when i had my last child i weighed 193 before she was born. i do not want to go there again. but i find myself down and having a little bit of a hard time keeping up the exercise routine. my dr. said to cut down to at least med. impact for now. so, could i have some input from some of you? do any of you know what cathe did or what she suggests? also, how do you get those cool monitors at the bottom of your screens. oh, my due date is oct 26. thanks a lot ladies. joetta
i really think it depends on the person. i was working out alot before getting pg. i started to bleed, so when i went to the dr. she told me to cut out all high impact. i've been so tired that it's been really hard for me focus on working i've only been doing a bare minimum. however other ladies on the boards are still working out very consistently!

congrats on your pregnancy!!!

I cut out all high impact immediately...more out of my own paranoi (spelling?) then anything else...I will do MINIMAL impact moves but that's it. 99% of my work outs are low impact and I STILL work up a sweat!

During my 1st trimester I was very very tired so I only worked out every other day or so. Once I started getting my energy back I slowly increased that. Now I work out 6 days per week most weeks for an average of an hour per work out and have been fine.

Everyone is different though and you have to listen to your body and do what feels right for you!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Before I became pregnant I worked out 6 days/week for 1-1.5 hours. My first trimester is/was awful. I was lucky if I got in 2-3 workouts per week. I would get home from work and crash on the couch and be in bed by 7:30 at the latest. I'm finally getting my energy back. I have "morning sickness" every night so that puts a damper on my evening workouts. I've been doing low-impact cardio most days (bike, treadmill/walking outdoors, elliptical and some of Cathe's step DVD's using a 4-6 in step and taking out the hi-impact moves). As far as weight training goes, I know that due to my not working out as much as I'd like, I've lost strength in my lower body. I lift at the gym and/or are still using most of Cathe's DVDs.

Like Wendy said, we are all different - listen to your body.

Oh yeah, congrats on your pregnancy.
First off - congrats!
I have not worked out at all since becoming pg. Most days I feel awful about it. However, I had 2 m/c in the past year & I was just too afraid of that again this time around. I was also on a progesterone suppository that made things a little messy "down there." Sorry - tmi :)I just finished those this weekend.
I had all these dreams of being a "fit pregnant woman" & bouncing back fairly quickly after this c-section. I hope that dream can be somewhat salvaged still. I go back to the doctor on the 29th. Given all looks good, I am hoping to get back to some low impact cardio & some upper body weights.
Wish me luck!
Congrats! We are in pretty much the same boat....I am 40, I have two boys (my youngest in in kindergarten-my oldest 2nd grade), I was not planning on having any children at this time in my life and I like to work out at an advanced level (1-2 hours 6 days a week). I was known as Mrs. 6 pack at my neighborhood pool and now that won't be happening this summer-I hope next year but who knows. I know that this time I have had a more difficult pg-i was nauseous from my prenatal vitamin-which I changed after 8 weeks, I became very bloated during my first trimester and I also very tired. My first pgs did not really affect me like this one. I love running, step areobics, kickboxing, spinning and lifting weights. I stopped running right away because I started bleeding at 6 weeks and it continued for 3 weeks after that. I still do everything I did before (cathe-firms, some TLPs) however, I only workout for an hour. With my first 2 pgs, I worked out up until my due dates and bounced back very quickly. I hope this helps-sorry to ramble.
hi again
thanks so much for the input. i'd love to hear more and to become part of this "family" of moms to be. i found the pregnancy guide at lily... web site but can't figure out how to get it to my signature. any help would be great. thanks again. joetta:D
Copy cut and paste the URL for the ticker into your signature box in your profile and then test it out here in the forum to see if it works right. We will tell you if you need to change something if it comes out wrong...It DOES usually need a little "tweaking" to make it work right. ;)

Every Sunday I try to post a "moms 2 b check in" for us all to blab about how our week was, post our exercise for the week, etc. Feel free to join us there!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]

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