Hot Mammas to Be Week of 11/29


I hope that nobody minds me jumping in to get this week started! Just a quick Monday hello to you all :) I hope that everyone had a fabulous holiday and that returning to the grind hasn't been painful.

This weekend marked the turn of 20 weeks completed! I started my 21st week Saturday and so, we're officially halfway there!

More exciting is that I was laying down yesterday relaxing with my hand on my tummy (because it's been giving me this weird feeling while it has been growing outward) and WHAM! Baby Girl drop kicked me! There was no doubt about it this time. No "flutter," no bubbles. She gave me a Cathe style kick right to my hand and I actually yelped! Then she did it again...then nothing :) I decided that she was turning around or something but whatever the case, this was the first time that I actually felt it and knew for sure what it was. And that girl can kick LOL

Have a great week! :)
Hey Christine and all the other preggers comrades out there!

I love to feel the baby kick around!! So, neat to feel that : )

I hope you and everyone else had a great Thanksgiving. I worked on Thursday. So Friday, we went to my MIL's and had a nice dinner.

I am now at the 25 wk mark, the pregnancy is just flying along!!! I have a OB check up on Tuesday.

Hope everyone is having a good week.
Hi Christine and Melanie! Thanks for getting this started (that's just what I came on to do:)).
Christine, that's so exciting to feel an honest to goodness kick! That's awesome! 21 weeks....Wow!
Melanie, good luck at your OB appt tomorrow. Let us know how it goes!
I'm about 10 weeks (or 11 weeks, as the u/s tech told me I am ) along now. I came down with a nasty respiratory virus on Black Friday. I went to the dr's, and he gave me a "back-up" prescription in case I don't start feeling better by Thursday. He said for the first 5 days, I will feel progressively worse. Then, I should start to feel better. But, if I don't, I should take the ammox. I'm feeling a little better, but still am sneezing all the time:confused:. So, needless to say, I haven't been working out. I may do the Baby Bells workout later if I feel like it. I go back to work tomorrow (1st grade teacher). O.k., time to chase after my 2-year old who just stripped and took his diaper off:(.
Take care!
I am in week 31 and really enjoying feeling the baby move around. I didn't start feeling actual kicks that I could recognize as such until 22/23 weeks or so. But it is SO weird when it happens!

As soon as I hit the third trimester I had to really slow down on the workouts. I can do Cathe, just a LOT slower. I walk 3 days/week to/from class for about 2 miles/40 minutes each time and I do some weights from the Women's Health book but that's about it. Between work, school, and holidays, plus more fatigue, it is so easy to skip exercise but I feel so much better when I do! I ordered Suzanne Bowen's Long & Lean Prenatal workout so we'll see how that goes.

Good luck and happy holidays to everyone!
Happy Hump Day - and the beginning of December!

I've done well this week with workouts. I did Circuit Max (cardio with upper only) on Monday, Muscle Endurance yesterday and started today with a 2 mile walk (the pooch motivated me!). Tonight I will do P90XKenpoX. I am finding that my belly is starting to get in the way of certain exercises. Well, not get in the way (I'm in week 21) but I can feel that it is there more than anything. For example, when I do leg presses, I can see how as I get bigger, the belly will interfere :) Boy, I can say this much....I'm not nearly as strong as before & I tried out quickly. It took everything I had, and an extended water break, to get myself through those last sets of leg presses.

I have the luxury of working from home today, which I am trying to do at least once per week now on Wednesdays. It sort of slows down the week to do this once a week and lets me sleep just a little later on one day when I don't have to commute. Okay, I better get started! Have a great day!
Hey Jen -- Hope you are feeling better!!

Wastewitch and Christine -- I hear ya about stamina. Some days it is hard just to make it through a workout. Today I went to a spin class and did pretty good, which is unusual for me at this point.

My OB check up went well, baby is good. Next check, late in Dec, I have my glucose test.

Happy Hump Day - and the beginning of December!

I've done well this week with workouts. I did Circuit Max (cardio with upper only) on Monday, Muscle Endurance yesterday and started today with a 2 mile walk (the pooch motivated me!). Tonight I will do P90XKenpoX. I am finding that my belly is starting to get in the way of certain exercises. Well, not get in the way (I'm in week 21) but I can feel that it is there more than anything. For example, when I do leg presses, I can see how as I get bigger, the belly will interfere :) Boy, I can say this much....I'm not nearly as strong as before & I tried out quickly. It took everything I had, and an extended water break, to get myself through those last sets of leg presses.

I have the luxury of working from home today, which I am trying to do at least once per week now on Wednesdays. It sort of slows down the week to do this once a week and lets me sleep just a little later on one day when I don't have to commute. Okay, I better get started! Have a great day!

Hello and good for you for persisting in doing your workouts. This is actually my due date! LOL. Hoping things happen smoothly and I'm not going to be overdue. Anyway, I just wanted to support you in continuing to workout because it has helped me tremendously. You are right: there will be certain exercises that will become harder as you get bigger. I find squats pretty hard now -- my back starts hurting almost immediately. I still do them though; just less deep.

I don't know if it's just me, but I've found that it's easier to do a 45 min workout or longer than to go for a walk! My groin area gets very sore feeling when I walk for too long and it takes the piss right out of me. hahah. My legs don't feel like they're supposed to separate like that. They also don't feel great when I have to do any skipping around the step.

If you continue, you will find that some days are better than others. The inspiration to exercise is within you; it's not just going to hit you. It takes a bit of forceful thinking --- it's a doctor's appt that I can't miss.

What I loved about exercising in pregnancy was that I could be a little easier on myself and do lots of premixes that I wouldn't normally do!

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