Hmmm.... Maybe I'll pose for those bikini pics after all! :)


This might have been posted before but I've never seen it. I was reading a non-fitness related message board and came across this link:

It shows retouched celebrity photos and it actually made me feel much better about myself!!! Go to the portfolio and I'm sure you'll be amazed, as I was.
>HEY! I am suing! That is my body with all those different
>faces CGd in!

It must be. It's certainly not any of theirs! I want them to do to me what they did to Queen Latifah.

Oh my!!! I think you hear about retouching, and you can know logically that it's real, but to see those changes is amazing. I will say that Halle Berry is beautiful no matter what.

It is just so sad in a way these are the images that are put out there as the ideal woman. Rear ends are bigger, chests are lifted, and tummies are shaved off to tiny proprotions. When you move the curser back and forth it is almost cartoon like in the phoniness.
I know - isn't it amazing? I didn't realize what all they did either.

I agree with you on Halle Berry but it's nice to know that some of these other people got a little help!

I'd love to see some of the retouching they do for fitness magazines.
You wouldn't believe the retouching they do for fitness magazines or even commercials. Even the men get a perfect 6 pack, with a click of a mouse. Women can get scars removed, tummy shrunk especially of the bright light and special stance doesn't take it all away. Slimmer thighs/hips, a butt tuck, smooth even skin, no suntan lines, longer legs, better looking hair, you name it, it can be done. I did digital backgrounds for photo shoots, for a while, and 99% of the time, I would have said that the finished photo was the model's better looking younger sister, then the women I seen standing in front of the white back drop. Yes, you can also look younger, with a mouse click.

I'm not kidding when I say, you will not recognize a model on the street, and when you find out, your jaw will drop as the person in front of you, doesn't look anything like that photos you've seen. A lot of times the hottest models of today can walk into a coffee shop filled with men, and be ignored. I've seen it happen several times, while I was doing digital backgrounds and had a coffee break. If they aren't all dressed up and dolled up, they get looked at, just like any of us would. As well, they are just like us, still have imperfect bodies, this or that about them that isn't just right, unlike the photos. They just got the right build and frame to be a model and the camera likes them. As well as the retouching equipment, as you still got to have that camera quality to be retouched nicely. As i've seen re-touching do some horrible jobs as well and it's just the person's camera appearance, I have no other way to explain it. And what's usually odd, is that these people are generally really pretty in real life, put them in front of the camera and it turns them into plain jane/joe.

RE: Hmmm.... Maybe I'll pose for those bikini pics aft...

Wow, that site should be required viewing for all girls starting at age 12 or even younger. If magazines actually published unretouched photos, there would be a lot of happier and better-adjusted girls and women walking around this country!
RE: Hmmm.... Maybe I'll pose for those bikini pics aft...

I agree with you Bunbun. I have a DD who is 7 that i worry so much about. It's so much different now. I've heard about all this retouching, but to actually see it...WOW!


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