highest impact workouts?


Hi all,
I am brand new to this forum, kind of new to Cathe (in the past 6 months have become a fan), but not new to working out at home! I have just been diagnosed with osteopenia, low bone density, a step before osteoporosis (but I'm in my 20's). Interestingly enough, high impact is supposed to help with bone density.
My question - What is the highest impact workouts you can think of (Cathe or other)?

Many thanks!

Hi Jen welcome. The hightest cathe's impact cardio workouts in my opinion are:

Maximun intensity cardio

Circuit max

Body max

IMAX 1 and IMAX 2


THe higest impact weight workouts are:

Slow and heavy series
pyramid upper body
Pure Strenght series
Muscle Endurance

I recommend the dvd to you. You will enjoy great premixes with the dvd. Hope this helps.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.
:) :) :)

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